Example sentences of "be use in [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Intel needs to do some stroking among this class of customer even though Intel defenders claim the P5 schematics designers are using in the absence of silicon are so exact they should have little trouble getting up and running and out the door once the chips are delivered .
2 ‘ I might not be the youngest but I have a great deal of knowledge which I have been using in the field of local and regional government for years . ’
3 to look at er , a P R job about changing the way those resources are used so that they 're used in the way that 's been talked away , er , talked about tonight which is way that clearly many wo , many women want to see them being used .
4 Far above on the moor we could see some new machinery which meant that someone was working out the tailings for spar and barytes for the North Sea oil industry where they 're used in the drilling Processes .
5 Back on dry land , the rushes are dried out before they 're used in the workshop near Wantage .
6 Even though aromatherapy massage is the mainstay of the art , essential oils are used in a variety of other ways for healing and aesthetic purposes — in baths , steam inhalations and as mood enhancing perfumes for example .
7 Both classification schemes and alphabetical indexing languages are used in a variety of contexts , and most of the remainder of Part II will concentrate on controlled language indexing .
8 On the other hand , we realise that professional clinicians coming to the book might remain unconvinced about some of our chosen examples , as indeed might those readers who only feel comfortable with terms like ‘ schizophrenia ’ when they are used in a sense that has been given medical approval .
9 Sanderson paints , wallcoverings and fabrics are used in a number of the roomsets .
10 They are used in a number of ways ; you can add them to your bath , massage them in to the skin and there are vapourisers to combat the effects of colds .
11 The early case-study section demonstrated how they are used in a training environment .
12 Advanced techniques are used in a bank 's systems which will not always be appropriate in other businesses .
13 Portability and transferability of programs between different systems is a considerable problem if any but the simplest facilities are used in a program .
14 They are identification numbers that are used in the description below .
15 In Dusun , for example , two different sequence particles are used in the verb phrases — one in the first clause an a different one in the second clause .
16 Hospital administrators at South Cleveland and Newcastle have also been told they will receive linear accelerators which are used in the treatment of cancer .
17 Carriers of this type are used in the building of the FIAT Strada/Ritmo cars and will be familiar to those who watch British television commercials .
18 Four coverages are used in the case study .
19 Billing machines and the tabular ledger are used in the preparation of accounts and the work must always be up to the minute , as it should be possible to produce a guest 's bill immediately on request .
20 He uses the term ‘ power-dependence ’ to describe this mutual dependency and suggests five resources that are used in the relationship between central and local government .
21 The rags bear smears of the same pigments that are used in the depiction of the body , which is itself rendered with heavily loaded and encrusted paint .
22 But the results would be distorted by the fact that two consonant letters are used in the spelling ; to do the test properly one should use illiterate subjects , which raises many further problems .
23 To begin with , one can discern in this thinking some confusion between what is authoritative and what is authoritarian , and to suppose that because some preconceptions are used in the exercise of power , all preconceptions , no matter how conceived , and no matter how prudently used , are to be rejected out of hand .
24 If , as I have argued in the previous section , moral or ethical theories do not provide formulae that replace the need for intuitions , but , on the contrary , are used in the service of new ones , it is these intuitions that we must focus on .
25 I , I 'm not really interested how many ounces of tying wire are used in the base of er , a thing , but I , they , they do have another one which groups some of these together and er will give me labour plant materials , and it 's surprising how many contractors have this same breakdown er , from er , contractors might have materials and temporary materials er er , sub-contract erm what else are we likely to have ?
26 The company claims all kinds of tricks are used in the Evolution V-Q 's innards to increase performance , including secondary cache , and the ASIC which provides a wide data path between memory cache and processor .
27 Since many building materials are only 4in ( 10cm ) can be built of chap concrete blocks , but these should be tied into the decorative front layer with the same walling ties as are used in the cavity walls of houses .
28 If the grains , soy beans and fishmeal , which are used in the feeding of food animals in the developed world , were consumed directly by human beings then there would be something like a ninefold gain in the nutritional spin-off .
29 An essential first step is to demonstrate that pre-training must be given with the same stimuli as are used in the test phase .
30 Mirrors are used in the home for a number of reasons : as decorative features ; to reflect light , colour and patterns ; and even to change the apparent size and shape of rooms .
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