Example sentences of "be well [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We 're well off the record now , so I 'll tell you something about Jack Scamp . ’
2 I mean not even Russia and they 're well behind the times
3 I 'm difficult to fathom , but I 'm well worth the effort . ’
4 And then I know full well that I 'm well within the guidelines of not going over the thirteen amp that this is designed to operate at maximum efficiency and safety .
5 My schoolboy physics reminded me that the sun would be well below the magic 42 ° , the limit of its elevation that will create — from the waterfall 's mist — a single refraction rainbow .
6 The current valuation of the collection , made by a team of Spanish experts over the past six years , is considered to be well below the market value of the works .
7 Monitoring work has been carried out and levels of pollution were found to be well below the danger level .
8 The buyer would want the price to be well below the value of his monopoly , to maximise his profits .
9 With the current state of the UK economy and the level of unemployment any tool which can increase your chances of getting that perfect job must be well worth the money .
10 You may have to pay more , but the end results will be well worth the cost .
11 Egyptian rugs are often very expensive — sometimes commanding higher prices than comparable Persian items — but can be well worth the cost because of the high standards to which they are made .
12 The results , however , can be well worth the effort , and it will all come that much easier if you have prepared things in advance .
13 You 'll have to be brave to do it , but what you may learn from this will be well worth the effort !
14 It may not be quite as easy to learn as the manufacturers claim , but if you have the time you will find it to be well worth the effort .
15 It may not be quite as easy to learn as the manufacturers claim , but if you have the time you will find it to be well worth the effort .
16 Even so , the end result will be well worth the effort .
17 ‘ It will take a moment or two , ’ the man said , ‘ but it will be well worth the wait . ’
18 However , we 're confident that the results will be well worth the wait . ’
19 This would be well under the cost of the facility for the authority but would encourage those who could buy their care more cheaply to do so .
20 Actually it would be fairer just to say that , in comparison with the time it would take either a monkey or a randomly programmed computer to type our target phrase , the total age of the universe so far is a negligibly small quantity , so small as to be well within the margin of error for this sort of back-of-an-envelope calculation .
21 This target should have been well within the reach of Horden , seeking their first win .
22 And the prominent prehistorian Professor R. J. C. Atkinson has clearly demonstrated that the laying out of an accurate , straight landscape line would have been well within the means of the megalithic builders .
23 Worse , the decision briefly poisoned relations between Niki and James , which until then had been well within the bounds of friendly competition .
24 Now this Act will bind six thousand of us — I am not speaking in my own interest , I am well past the age — but this Act will empty the glens of the young active men — and how can they marry if they are in barracks and camps in England , or in France if you send them there — you say you will not …
25 Washington DC-based National Air and Space Museum are well into the restoration of their Aichi M6A1 submarine-launched floatplane .
26 ‘ Of course , the twins are well past the nappy stage — or I imagine they must be — and , since I 've promised Liz that I 'll look after them , you can be sure that I 'll do what I can . ’
27 Ata'i , in his biography of Molla Shams al-Din ( d. 982/1575 ) , writes that " he traversed a few ranks in medreses ' before turning to medicine ; in this case it is clear that these medreses are well below the level .
28 Persistent surface weedkillers remain active in the top few centimetres of the soil , killing new weeds as they germinate , yet they do not harm most established roses , shrubs and trees , whose roots are well below the surface .
29 Growth rates in the North are well below the world average and thus its population will increase by about only 20 per cent between 1980 and 2025 .
30 I he wages of the workers are well below the value of the wealth they produce .
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