Example sentences of "be take against the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And if they were n't then disciplinary measures should be taken against the person or people responsible .
2 The editor-in-chief of Izvestia , the most respected national daily newspaper , also said legal action would be taken against the Speaker , for seeking to impose restrictions on the newspaper and employing ‘ Bolshevik psychology ’ to gag the press .
3 So as to underline that all measures are intended to benefit the young person , provisions for involuntary care have been removed and the views of the young person have to be taken into account in deciding on a form of assistance , although no steps can be taken against the wishes of the parent or guardian ( except in an emergency , s. 43 ) .
4 " But perhaps holding the views you do makes you feel no action should be taken against the enemies of France . "
5 ‘ However , matters of security are treated with the utmost seriousness and the strongest action will be taken against the passenger concerned . ’
6 ‘ What Maradona said is the most stupid declaration of the Eighties by a football player , ’ said the Fifa spokesman Guido Tognoni , who added that no disciplinary action would be taken against the player .
7 All decisions on country houses in Britain need to be taken against the background of the massive destruction over the past hundred years , which reached a climax in 1955 .
8 Although governing bodies retain ultimate control where the grievance is against them , in certain circumstances grievances may be taken against the LEA .
9 The second thing Part II does is to enable quick action to be taken against the marketing of unsafe goods .
10 Opposition leaders , however , expressed concern at the continuing military disruption of the transition period , and questioned whether effective action would be taken against the military .
11 ‘ In the first place the complainant wished to remain anonymous and did not want formal proceedings to be taken against the shop , ’ he said .
12 Troops were deployed in the province for the first time on Feb. 1 , and on Feb. 2 the government used low-flying jets over Pristina in a show of force ; at this time no military action had been taken against the demonstrators .
13 This is an emotive case , which has been subject to a full investigation by the special investigation branch of the Royal Military Police , and disciplinary action has been taken against the soldier in relation to the allegations .
14 To date no action has been taken against the neighbours .
15 Bankruptcy proceedings appear to have been taken against the plaintiffs by B.M.T. Receiving orders were made against them in the county court but , on appeal , these orders were , it is said , rescinded on terms which are not stated but which are said to have been fulfilled .
16 Failure to do so may lead to disciplinary action being taken against the member in accordance with Bye-laws 56–71 .
17 Court action is being taken against the Aberdeen Solicitors Property Centre , and a similar move is being considered against its Edinburgh counterpart .
18 The boy had been examined by a surgeon , Thomas Chapman , who found numerous wheals , bruises and lacerations , and his report to the guardians led to proceedings being taken against the tailor before the County magistrates ; he was convicted and fined £5 .
19 It is a paradox that while sex crimes are popularly abhorred little action is taken against the majority of offenders .
20 The Secretary of State went on to say that he was concerned that the letter from Grand Metropolitan Estates tried to imply that the orders had forced the company into the action it was taking against the tenant .
21 The regime is tightening and she had been warned that they might no longer put up with her outspokenness and propaganda ; her friends thought that she would be safer somewhere close to the French border , but she was taking against the place .
22 No action was taken against the newspaper , however , and one journalist , who had taken legal advice himself over the story , steadfastly maintained that he had quoted Nick Clayton 's comments completely accurately .
23 There is no restriction on the local authority regarding works registered under the Alkali , etc. , Works Regulation Act 1906 , indeed in the case of Shoreham-by-Sea Urban District Council v Dolphin Canadian Proteins Ltd. action was taken against the company under s.100 to obtain the abatement of offensive odours emanating from their animal by-product plant which in part processed chicken feathers , a registrable process due to the emission of hydrogen sulphide .
24 Indeed no such point was taken against the applicant in Berry ( No. 2 ) .
25 However , he has indicated that , because the last debate was taken against the background of legal advice since renounced by the Government , there could be a rerun on the fresh amendment .
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