Example sentences of "be take [prep] the end " in BNC.

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1 I welcome the commitment that has been shown by the head of the governing body , but I can not give any hint of the decision that I will be taking by the end of February .
2 A non-competitive literacy test ( in Sesotho ) is recommended to be taken at the end of the first cycle or any time thereafter prior to the final examination since mastery of literacy skills is seen as the first priority in primary school education in Lesotho — ‘ if learners are to profit from further opportunities for education in or out of school . ’
3 Since the report was printed the committee has given permission for a bucket collection to be taken at the end of this afternoon 's session for our colleagues involved in the dispute .
4 The committee has given permission for a bucket collection to be taken at the end of congress on Monday to help these colleagues as well .
5 An ordinary BSc degree may be taken at the end of the third year but the majority of students proceed to the fourth year of the BEng honours degree .
6 As I understand it Chair , what you 're saying is , that there are , at three there is a , a request for an exclusion of press photographers , but the convenience of press photography we 're saying that instead of taking immediately so that we 'd have to call them back here for the even later , we 're asking you for it to be taken at the end with the rest of exclusion
7 The parliamentary debate enters its fifth day tomorrow but Mr Gligorov has said no decision will be taken at the end of the session because no formal proposal has been received from the United Nations .
8 It can be quite difficult , however , to arrange to film next year 's ice cream commercial this August , in order to be sure of sunshine and leaves on the trees , because decisions on products to be advertised might not be taken until the end of the current season .
9 Studies continued on the Andrew and Birch fields during 1992 and development decisions should be taken by the end of 1993 .
10 The council of the International Natural Rubber Organization ( INRO ) , incorporating major producers and 20 consumer countries , agreed at a three-day meeting in Kuala Lumpur ( Malaysia ) on May 25-27 to form a working group to discuss a renegotiation of the International Natural Rubber Agreement ( INRA ) , a final decision to be taken by the end of March 1993 .
11 The maiden who is the soul will be taken in the end from ‘ the perplexed paths of this drear wood … the blind mazes of this tangled wood … this close dungeon of innumerous boughs ’ , or as the elves would say galadhremmin ennorath , ‘ the world of woven trees ’ .
12 As now , the decision who will proceed to A level , and thence to higher education will in effect have been taken at the end of the third year .
13 They thought I was really funny , but when my particulars were taken at the end of the week , I was again brought across the counter to sign other folk on .
14 Blood samples were taken at the end of each infusion period for gastrin assay .
15 After describing an examination which is taken at the end of schooling ( compulsory schooling ends at 16 , but just over half stay at school till 17 ) and which to British eyes seems remarkably casual , the HMI team observes :
16 The dead man was taken at the end of a winding procession , with one man from every house in the village barefoot and carrying a log for the pyre .
17 The final decision was taken at the end of October , with victory only a few days away , and was announced with the publication of a letter from Lloyd George to Bonar Law , a letter actually drafted by Law as a summary of their agreement .
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