Example sentences of "be take [prep] this [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Care must be taken during this process , firstly not to liberate the contaminants in gaseous form and so cause a repetition of the odour nuisance in a more concentrated form , and secondly , where steam is used , to minimise the quantity of liquid effluent formed by condensation , which will require disposal .
2 If you leave the field blank , no action will be taken for this module .
3 A careful note must be taken of this DC identifier as it is required in all other operations regarding the DC .
4 By varying the water quality , even in the same painting , advantage can be taken of this effect and a further area of interest of a difficult medium obtained .
5 The Quiberon ( see Plymouth–Roscoff entry ) will be taken off this route once the Normandie starts sailing .
6 He can only be placed in the lying position for effective treatment purposes when he can balance well enough to be taken through this pattern of movements without increasing his spasticity .
7 Therefore , the claims made here should be taken with this caveat .
8 But the ultimate test of government credibility will be taken after this week 's conference , when backbench Conservative dissidents decide whether to put up a ‘ stalking horse ’ challenger to Margaret Thatcher 's leadership of the party next month .
9 Big Ears , you will be taken from this place to receive a punishment in keeping with your crimes .
10 That really was the riddle , and if they got the answer right they would escape from the castle , be taken from this limbo and resume their duties and positions in the Therapeutic Wars again , debt paid .
11 The decision will be taken by this Government whenever it has to be taken .
12 Only a small percentage of birds can be taken by this method in any one time since eventually they are disturbed and roost elsewhere . ’
13 She wanted to be taken in this man 's arms , kissed , caressed , held safe .
14 In order to call this genre ‘ escapism ’ , however , it is necessary first to define the term in the way it is intended to be taken in this essay , and not to confuse the mode with ‘ escapist ’ literature in the vulgar sense .
15 A broad approach should be taken in this appraisal .
16 Article 20 of the Brussels Convention provides that where a defendant domiciled in one Contracting State is sued in a court of another Contracting State the court shall stay the proceedings so long as it is not shown that the defendant has been able to receive the document instituting the proceedings or an equivalent document in sufficient time to enable him to arrange for his defence , or that all necessary steps have been taken to this end .
17 Advantage has also been taken of this facility by Czechoslovakia .
18 A course of ampicillin and metronidazole had been taken by this subject within four weeks of endoscopy .
19 It was desperately hard to accept that this serene man , so calm , so dignified , such a majestic cricketer , could have been taken in this way .
20 But so far only Brodsworth has been taken in this way and the signs are that English Heritage , which is under severe financial pressure , is not likely to take on many , if any , further houses .
21 As Marian and Allen were taking in this scene one of the attackers slipped to one side and sidled around the tree towards the Friar 's unprotected flank .
22 We were taken to this orphanage kind of place , separated , and put into little rooms .
23 Several steps were taken in this respect : .
24 Ironically , one casualty of failure to bring it into force would be the express attempt to limit action on the part of the Community through the concept of subsidiarity , even if in practical terms account already seems to be being taken of this concept .
25 The brief case study of Langside College , Glasgow provided here illustrates both the innovative approach being taken by this college , and the opportunities opened up by general SVQs for the development of partnerships .
26 Although this sounds as if it might be extremely uncomfortable , the cervix , like the vagina , is surprisingly poorly supplied with sensory nerve-endings , and a relaxed patient may be totally unaware that any samples are being taken from this site .
27 As it is now the middle of October , I do not think it unreasonable to request that some action be taken in this matter as soon as possible .
28 In fact Miss Phillips was using the subjunctive mood quite correctly ; compare ‘ I order that you be taken from this court … ’ or ‘ Lawyers have asked that the president not testify … ’ .
29 Whatever view is taken of this analysis , and it will be discussed more fully below , it seems to state quite clearly that the determination of sex is a matter for lawyers and courts ; that the law , in other words , must establish methods for determining sex which may or may not correspond to medical opinion .
30 Judicial notice is taken of this practice ( Davey v Harrow Corporation [ 1958 ] 1 QB 60 ) .
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