Example sentences of "be know [prep] the time " in BNC.

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1 It had been known at the time of his appointment that Miyazawa and members of his Cabinet had been implicated , in varying degrees , in the Recruit-Cosmos share scandal which brought down the Takeshita administration in 1989 [ see pp. 36463-64 ; 36589 ] .
2 The defect in any case may not have been known at the time of the sale .
3 Mass strandings have been known since the time of the ancient Greeks ; Aristotle himself recorded them .
4 These can not be known at the time the decision is to be made and a means of stating what is known and what is assessed of the influence of future events on the commercial performance of the product , permitting comparisons between options , is needed .
5 These can not be known at the time the decision is to be made and a means of stating what is known and what is assessed of the influence of future events on the commercial performance of the product , permitting comparisons between options , is needed .
6 MEANWHILE , back at the ranch , Michael Murray , a banker , Ian MacLaurin , chairman of Tesco , the TCCB accountant , Brian Downin , the promotional and marketing man , and three others , including one isolated first-class cricketer , have been looking at the structure of the first-class game and the counties ' verdict will be known by the time you read this .
7 Fourthly , since the return for holding a bill to redemption is known at the time of issue , bills are fixed-interest securities .
8 Although the eugenic risk ( that the child of an incestuous relationship between father — daughter or brother — sister will have congenital defects ) was known at the time and was probably a factor , most of the arguments of the reformers were based on the protection of children from sexual exploitation .
9 He had been employed in the 1960s by the firm , which was known at the time as Maranite Ltd , when asbestos fibre was used to make boards for doors for the shipbuilding industry .
10 It was known at the time that there was going to be opposition to them and it was an absolute recipe for debate after debate , council meeting after council meeting , committee meeting after committee meeting .
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