Example sentences of "be at [art] [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 providing you 're at the same time .
2 She said , any time at all if we 're at the same time .
3 By close analysis , he was virtually able to predict where bream would be at a certain time and could put bait in to hold them in his swim .
4 yeah , yeah I must admit it 's a poor do when they know exactly where the criminal 's going to be at a certain time and then they let 'em go
5 Whatever the price happens to be at a given time , and this can vary dramatically , it will be a price worth paying for some and not for others .
6 it used to be at a different time of the year , though , did n't it ?
7 For council staff , already weary from last years round of cuts , moral is now said to be at an all time low .
8 We need to ensure that our white collar members have the help and the support and the advice available to them , but that help and that advice needs to be at the right time and at the right place .
9 These talks will all be at the usual time , date and place — 7.30 p.m. on the first Friday of the month , at the Community College , Bishop 's Castle .
10 These talks will all be at the usual time , date and place — 7.30 p.m. on the first Friday of the month , at the Community College , Bishop 's Castle .
11 Just a quick reminder ; tomorrow 's night 's programme will be at the earlier time of 6 p.m .
12 ‘ If the Certificate of Primary Education tested material which was firmly within the grasp of primary school teachers : if it tested the ability to re–son and understand relationships of cause and effect ; and , if , above all , it tested relevant and practical knowledge , it would be at the same time both a more efficient and equitable instrument for selecting secondary school entrants and also a more useful preparation for those for whom primary education is terminal .
13 Last year Lord Petre planted out about ten thousand Americans which , being at the same time mixed with about twenty thousand Europeans , and some Asians , make a very beautiful appearance , great art and skill being shown in consulting everyone 's particular growth and the well blending of the greens …
14 At the same time that Coleridge was discussing Hartley with Wordsworth he was also constantly urging him to write ‘ a philosophic poem ’ — ‘ No man was ever yet a great poet without being at the same time a profound philosopher ’ .
15 x. failure to maintain professional standards , being at the same time pefectionistic in some things and amazingly casual in others .
16 This was partly because he was not exceptionally bright while being at the same time exceptionally unimaginative , but it was also because odd carvings and perilous tunnels were all in a day 's work .
17 This territory had been annexed to Poland after its occupation by the Red Army at the end of the Second World War , a situation accepted de facto by the Western powers at the Potsdam conference of July-August 1945 ( the northern part of East Prussia being at the same time incorporated into the Soviet Union ) .
18 They all come into being at the same time .
19 Heads of department acquired heavier responsibilities , but were at the same time often grouped in wider partnerships — often known , somewhat grandly , as faculties — to encourage more interdisciplinary work and greater flexibility in the use of resources .
20 We used to work eight hour shifts — morning , evening and night — and of these the night duties were at the same time the most boring and the most exciting , depending on whether there was anything ‘ on ’ .
21 What White and Bernard also omit to make clear is that , while the great majority of the ordinary members of the church may well have been largely indifferent to theological issues , many of them were at the same time both outraged and alarmed by a number of alien liturgical practices , which were a unique and highly visible feature of English Arminianism .
22 It is , moreover , an irony that these ministers ( Gaitskell , Jay , Wilson ) were at the same time preparing a Full Employment Bill which assumed a major capacity for planning within the government machine .
23 In Maxwell , the streams of particle and wave physics had begun to converge , with results that were to be disquieting ; but optics and the structure of matter were at the same time fruitfully interacting .
24 Now the thing about this crew and the crews that you were talking about from the Hundredth Bomb Group , the , I guess the most famous crew from the Hundred Bomb Group is with the Roses Rivetus Now our crews were at the same time .
25 There are complicating factors , of course In the depression of the thirties suicide rates for those out of work were at an all time high , but the suicide rate among the retired also increased It might be argued from this that economic uncertainty rather than unemployment per se is the cause .
26 At the time of writing , Prudential 's shares were at an all time high , which might serve to back up Mr Lawrence 's point .
27 From the comments in the article it would seem that sporting activities are at an all time low at this school this is far from the truth .
28 Our relationship with other industry bodies and government are at an all time high as we see the fruits of recent years , efforts beginning to flow through .
29 Many institutions of less than 150 , either free standing or in collaboration with others , have offered and will continue to offer a range of courses well matched to the needs of the student population as they are at the present time .
30 Yet we are at the same time perturbed by more recent and present-day developments .
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