Example sentences of "be do with [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 as has been done with the two examples in the previous section .
2 The problem with the mixtures is that they have never been proved in the classical homoeopathic way , as had been done with the original remedies .
3 She supplemented the once-weekly group sessions by finishing activities begun in the session with her class and she sometimes initiated a task for the whole class to do to reinforce what had been done with the advisory teacher .
4 When α scans are done with a reduced scattering angle θ , peaks from shadowing are observed .
5 Well , all these things are done with the best of in intentions you know but erm that 's the only , that 's the only logical reason because they ca n't seem to find any other evidence as to the cause of it you see
6 When we 're done with the bad ones we ca n't wait to get them out of here .
7 If you want to know how you 're doing with the other person , you need to ask .
8 For example , the pro-social erm , factors mobilize projection and identification , and the anti- social ones are to do with the instinctual drives , and , and , and so on .
9 The greatest difficulties faced by this unorthodox theory are to do with the compositional variations across the Moon .
10 The effects in the film , apart from the odd live alligator , are to do with the dead and with dying .
11 It is possible to identify a number of strands which should feature in their development as writers during these years ; these are to do with an increasing ability to :
12 The information available through the payroll was : name man number payroll number ( hourly , weekly , monthly ) depot number birth date date of joining salary company division department marital status date left At a later date indicators were added for : membership of pension scheme savings scheme part-timers address job title It became apparent immediately that quite a lot could be done with a good program .
13 Highly trained Marines would have been utterly thorough , and would never yield to the malaise of combat , that battle-weary yearning to be done with a ghastly campaign , to rate it a probably total triumph , a practically unqualified success .
14 The initial study of cancer cell behaviour can only be done with a living animal in order to define those ‘ test tube ’ characteristics which correlate with uncontrolled growth and spread of tumour cells within the whole body .
15 Measurement of the metabolic correlates of psychological processes can only be done with a limited degree of spatial resolution at the moment ( Raichle 1983 ) .
16 It 's got to be done with a great deal of sensitivity and intelligence if these systems are going to take off .
17 The advantage of presenting the play in this way is that it can be done with a small cast in modern dress with simple rehearsal props and furniture and limited sound and lighting .
18 Lifting even a small object wrongly can do damage , too ; lifting should always be done with a straight back , bending at the knees and using thigh muscles .
19 This can easily be done with a pictorial key .
20 Obviously , this can not be done with a conventional typewriter .
21 Leading international companies are discussing the latest recycling technology , showing what can be done with a few old bottles … and a little imagination .
22 This may be done with the best intentions and will help empty the overflowing kennels , but mistakes can cause new owners some shocks .
23 This may be done with the best intentions , but it can lead to frustration and arguments .
24 Your Alexander teacher will show you how this can be done with the minimum amount of effort .
25 All must be done with the required ceremony .
26 This must be done with the prior approval of the Council of Ministers or its Executive Committee " .
27 How easy to give them the book they sought , to be done with the entire affair .
28 Imagine what might be done with the collected works of Alexander Hamilton when the Founding Fathers project eventually provides them on CD-ROM sometime in the not too distant future .
29 A good indication of what was passing through his mind in the aftermath of Barricades Week is provided by a letter that he wrote to his son in mid-February : " we had to be done with the impertinent pressure of the European population in Algiers , with the hard core of politicians which was forming in the army , and finally with the myth of " French Algeria " which merely disguises the desire of the " pieds noirs " to maintain their domination over the Muslims …
30 But there is much work to be done with the econometric modelling of rational expectations and of innovative behaviour in financial markets before their policy implications can be fully understood .
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