Example sentences of "be make on the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Will the Minister tell us what progress has been made on the procurement of air-to-air missiles for the aircraft ?
2 While not seeking to cave your opponent 's ribs in , do strike hard enough to leave the refereeing panel in no doubt at all that contact has been made on the scoring area .
3 And in fact it might be useful for you to know , chair , that proposals for new settlements have been made on the A sixty four corridor within Leeds .
4 Two members of the Court of Appeal held that no concluded contract had been made on the telephone ; the plaintiff had merely made an invitation to treat .
5 This aspect of the decision in Levison is open to question ; the parties had agreed the price and the date for the collection of the carpet , and it might be thought that that would indicate that a binding contract had been made on the telephone .
6 However , the SPOA general secretary , Bill Goodall , said no final decision had been made on the unit 's future .
7 The jury comes to a conclusion that er the police er took whatever degree of reasonableness was breached , that the raid should n't have been made on the day it was .
8 My decision not to eat had been made on the spur of the moment and was based not , as I well knew , on the terrible beating , but on the pointless cruelty of not allowing the others to go to the bathroom .
9 Some studies have been made on the timing of decisions to relegate material to remote storage in universities ( see Chapter 11 ) and on the relation between purchase and borrowing through interloans schemes ( see Chapter 13 ) .
10 So far wheels , frame and chimney have been built and I believe that progress has been made on the boiler .
11 Has any decision been made on the lines to be franchised ?
12 Others crossed the low–and on the old Roman road which had been made on the ridge of the terminal moraine .
13 Over 260 people had enjoyed the evening and through the generosity of those who contributed prizes or money towards their purchase £137 had been made on the raffle .
14 It is curious , therefore , that he did not immediately exploit the worthwhile gains that had been made on the right .
15 At the very minimum they must have been made on the basis of a police guarantee that matters would be manipulated so that courts would not impose additional punishment for the illusory offences .
16 The exercise has been a process of ‘ informed peer review ’ in which ratings have been made on the basis of the judgements of experts , most of whom are university academic staff .
17 The diagnosis of Crohn 's disease or ulcerative colitis had previously been made on the basis of repeated colonoscopy , histological tests , and contrast radiography , and all specimens showed histological evidence of inflammation .
18 The amendments have been made on the basis of recommendations by the Nature Conservancy Council in its first five-yearly review of UK species under the auspices of the Act , carried out in 1986 .
19 For Miss Green , Lee 's appointment was perceived as an explicit threat simply because in the previous year , renewal of the Cassell Trust 's grant had not been easily secured and had been made on the understanding that the 1930 renewal was to extend only for a further and final two years .
20 Another dramatic instance of historical déjà vu came during the miners ' strike , when it was reported that an attack had been made on the police station in Malby , South Yorkshire , scene of an anti-police riot a century earlier when the ‘ new police ’ first arrived there .
21 Critics also argue that , because statements made under the lobby rules mean that they can not be directly attributed to Mr Ingham , his colleagues or Government Ministers , they are less credible than if they had been made on the record .
22 John Buxton , director of property services for Darlington council , said savings of about £800,000 had been made on the estimate following a review by officers .
23 It seemed to her that a start had been made on the rubbish ; yes , it had , and some filled sacks stood by the hedge , the plastic gleaming blackly .
24 Is not it sad to hear that until yesterday no representations had been made on the patients charter by NUPE and COHSE ?
25 The court held that the seller was not liable for non-delivery of the goods because the contract had been made on the assumption that the crop would materialise .
26 The derivation of ΔS M from the lattice theory has been made on the assumption that no heat or energy change occurs on mixing .
27 By 1889 , DWEC boasted that more than 12,600 wagons had been made on the site , and 30 new ones were being turned out each week .
28 ( No claim had ever been made on the £300 million fund for loss of development value . )
29 In order to be accepted as a Safe-Buy approved supplier , firms must prove through their accounting system that they are financially sound ; they must prove they hold proper current insurances ; they must supply a list of recent customers , at lest 12 of whom are contacted by the Safe-Buy team and asked about their satisfaction with their recent home improvement ; finally , further checks are made on the company through the relevant consumer protection associations to ensure that the applicants reputation is untarnished .
30 After some brief editing , Reference vinyl master discs are made on the company 's own lathe before being sent to one of the few remaining specialist pressing plants in the US .
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