Example sentences of "be make the [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Long has great hopes of Clark , who will be making the English Schools youth 1500 metres championship his main target this summer .
2 He started to blame himself — he must be making the wrong decisions , not treating his customers well enough , not keeping a sharp enough eye on profit margins .
3 The objectives of these courses should be to make the future teachers aware how much mother tongue learning is accomplished in the years before schooling starts , and critical of the ideas and beliefs about language which are transmitted by the culture .
4 ‘ They are making the right noises about providing them , and each year the budget gets bigger .
5 Each time you go through the text you practice the discourse structure , as the structure , or " grid " , stays the same while you are making the other changes .
6 One believes they are making the same mistakes as the oil companies made — ‘ giving away the product in the hope of buying customers ’ .
7 Technological developments are making the enabling systems cheaper , easier to use and more versatile .
8 under a tree people are making the rubber johnnies
9 The growth of suburbia and the use of the motor car , it was argued , were making the old boundaries irrelevant for planning Purposes and a cause of friction between existing local authorities .
10 At this stage Pons was involved primarily with his job as departmental chairman and was following progress relatively remotely ; Fleischmann and Hawkins were making the detailed investigations .
11 While training schoolchildren to deal with threatening situations , they found many were making the wrong decisions .
12 However , the computer specialist is the person who is making the real decisions .
13 The chairman is making the necessary contacts to engage the services of prominent ladies to sustain the programme .
14 The chairman is making the necessary contacts to engage the services of prominent ladies to sustain the programme .
15 Keepers say he is making the right moves with five females at Cricket St Thomas Wildlife Park near Chard , Somerset .
16 Command of the aircraft rests with the more experienced pilot , rather than the one of higher rank , so that the situation can arise Where a recently promoted sergeant is making the tactical decisions for a relatively senior captain .
17 Erm it 's making the initial contacts that 's the problem .
18 A solution is to make the following adjustments and stick to them for a few days while the body clock follows the lead given by your altered life-style .
19 The effect of raising the temperature is to make the individual molecules move faster , so that collisions can overcome the activation energy .
20 ‘ The one fundamental cure for poverty is to make the poorer wage-earners more efficient in the widest sense of the term — more efficient as producers , as consumers , and in all the relations of life . ’
21 But if they are to make the right decisions , they must realise that the promise will turn to ashes if a similar progress is not made by software engineers and those who educate them .
22 Indeed some Americans were beginning to question whether either government was making the right choices .
23 While Dorothy was making the first entries in her journal that new year Coleridge continued to write poetry with undiminished fluency , both at Stowey and Alfoxden .
24 Tammuz managed to catch Roirbak just as he was making the finishing touches to his evening regalia : black , matt silk suit with thread-wide yellow pinstripe , understated gold adornments , I-Ching earrings .
25 Still staring up at him , she tried to discover if he was making the same connections as herself , but his face gave absolutely nothing away , and yet , when he 'd first opened the door , she 'd thought he 'd looked disappointed .
26 The first was to make the six teachers more acceptable .
27 When he got to Stuttgart , he was to make the bare tables and bleak walls of the theatre canteen seem homely .
28 What the treaty did not do was to make the two kingdoms of France and England one ; they were to remain separate , each with its own legal and administrative identity .
29 The most that Aurangzeb could expect was to make the local rulers obedient to his authority , or else to replace them with deputies of his own who would be reasonably faithful vassals .
30 And then , before that , if you if you was to make the mealy puddings the it that always had to be cut into bits and emptied and washed well in cold water , and with salt and that , and that was They would done that for three days before they were then filled up to make the mealy puddings .
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