Example sentences of "be get [adv prt] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I mean it may well be we 'll say in year seven , look the things we 're looking for here and I want everybody to comment on is , A er , how well they 've settled down er how well they 're getting on with others but there 's no reason why you ca n't make those decisions .
2 Er , Stella , could you take us through how you 're getting on in terms of your forms and related documents .
3 As far as I 'm concerned , that was the understatement of the year — we 'll let you know how we 're getting on after Skipper and I have enjoyed the summer together .
4 Lightweight , quick-drying trousers are a real boon for the fast-moving traveller — whether you 're getting around on foot , by car or by plane .
5 But we 're getting out of order . ’
6 Erm no , but you 're , at least you 're getting out of feudalism .
7 Do you know we had bales of , bales of til tins all pressed together as big as that machine , yeah and they 'd dump into the ship and they used to have magnets , put 'em into a net and these er bales of tins , any old tins , they used to find , used to go in there , we used to tip 'em , we used to tip them into the hold they cut the ship right up and that that 's what we 're getting back in motor cars now .
8 that means you 're getting in at midnight into
9 I had n't had a lot of luck finding the man I wanted , but at least I 'd been getting up to date on my social exercises , like who was drinking with who , and in what bars .
10 Hers is perhaps a 30 year plan , a code that will keep her name in neon until her teenage fans are getting on for grandparenthood and Madonna is another has-been .
11 As the legal experts pore over the intricacies of recording unmet need , care managers are getting down to work .
12 At last , Alida thought , at last we are getting down to business , to the signing of papers , the question of money .
13 Doing it for real : forget well-toned bodies and cute faces , America 's home porn addicts are getting off on sex between Mr and Mrs Average ( and we mean average )
14 ORKNEY fishermen are to campaign for a seal cull controlled by the Government after claims that numbers are getting out of control and threatening the livelihood of fishermen .
15 Well , whoever the Substitute turned out to be , he was going to be got out of bed at quarter to six whether he liked it or not .
16 Within days he was back in London , reporting to his Executive that the strike was hopeless and that the members should be got back to work .
17 Perhaps that 's old fashioned but then I 'm getting on in years . ’
18 I 'm getting off at Ibiza .
19 He was stationed in an old chapel in Chuckery because the Americans once they 'd started they were putting them everywhere or anywhere they could just get to be with them before V Day they were even in little chapels , churches , outhouses anywhere they could possibly and there were guns and bits of trucks on every spot of land where they could get them the er , I 'm getting out of context I was just thinking about a tank , a First World War tank that they used to have those as well in the field gun in the er arboretum which were disappeared soon after the war they went for scrap and they came and they used , people used to have a lot of wrought iron railings as well they took those as well they came along with burners and went off to the war effort , but er like I say the Americans and of course as kids they were very generous with kids and we absolutely loved them .
20 So we must be getting round to Sue 's question .
21 Quite a number of the people you speak to will be getting on in years and have lost their sharpness of hearing .
22 Well I , he 'll only just be getting in from work
23 Live well with all creatures is an apt dictum for today , because we seem as humans to be getting out of balance with the rest of the world 's occupants .
24 What is alarming , however , is that the whole system appears to be getting out of balance .
25 Where it is seen by work colleagues to be getting out of kilter , informal controls can be used to restore equilibrium .
26 When it seemed to be getting out of hand , he insisted that its aim was to improve the system , not to change it .
27 ‘ Must be getting back to Brigade H.Q , Sarge , ’ I remarked as I picked up my rifle and prepared to leave .
28 ‘ You and I might as well be getting back to Zimmerman 's , Richter , ’ said Moreau as they shuffled out into the street .
29 There is still a lot of to work on if we are to get out of trouble , ’ he said .
30 As soon as he was out of uniform , Connor applied to take over the management of the public-house from his parents — Mam and Da were getting on in years , and Da was n't a well man — but the Brewery were not prepared to lease the pub to a bachelor .
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