Example sentences of "be go up [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 So I said well please make sure you 're in before you 're to go up on the bus .
2 And if we draw a line it 's the analogy of someone pedalling on a bicycle , if you reach thirty five and you 're going up on a bicycle like that it 's reasonably steep but not too steep , you can cope with that on a regular basis .
3 The marquees have been going up for the Hay on Wye festival of Literature which begins tonight .
4 And pensions have not been going up at the same rate as the cost of living .
5 Does this mean that as I am going up in the lift , I see it expanding ? ’
6 In what sounds like computer industry heresy , Gupta Corp , Menlo Park told Reuter that it is looking to higher prices for its more advanced software products to help it achieve sharply higher earnings in 1993 : ‘ Our prices are going up as the functionality and performance of our software increases along with the functionality and performance of personal computer networks , ’ chief executive Umang Gupta said ; the company will introduce two new versions of its SQLWindows 4.0 software later this month ; the standard version at $2,000 , a more advanced one at $3,500 ; he says its only prices going down were for communications routing software .
7 The artistic reason is that he is old-hat ; Catalans prefer to be known for the airy constructions that are going up for the Olympic Games .
8 There 's some that are going up at the moment to this pond , they develop them for the next three years to spend their life in the fresh water feeding , and what we 're trying to do here is to see just how many there are in , in the river er as a total .
9 Sarah ( 4.10 ) : The people are going up into the boat .
10 I 'm going up to the top floor .
11 ‘ I 'm going up to the attics . ’
12 Oh cos I 'm going up to the doctors as you know .
13 Well I 'll , I 'm going up to the vet so I 'll leave it running when we 're in the vet .
14 Just wait here , I 'm going up for a bath first , you can
15 I 'm going up in the bedroom next .
16 I 'm nearly seventy , er my pension , will be going up by a pound and odd , I 'm not right sure how much .
17 So that 's when I was eating my dinner , when they were going up for the cup and she fell asleep , well you know with the wine in you , here was my eyes all out for the count .
18 And then he went on and he landed up in Seattle the time they were going up to the Klondike Gold Rush .
19 They were going up to the we call it .
20 Were going up to the test match at the Oval , Clive likes that .
21 Last night I opened my eyes when it was dark and feeling a sudden want of air opened the window when to my astonishment I was in time to see Oreste carried past in the arms of an angel and I wept and called out to him but there was no reply and soon they were gone up to the heavens and lost sight of .
22 Anything over that , you know mine is going up towards the seven into the red .
23 The paper is going up to the Library Advisory Committee with a request for suggestions for cuts , and I enclose a copy of the last page with its summary for your information .
24 ‘ His value is going up with every game and he could soon be worth £10 million .
25 Yes , that 's it some odd nights we was on our way home from work , it 's going up to the even when we 're on earlies and and weekends we can go there ca n't we ?
26 Master John 's going up for the high one . ’
27 I do n't quite know , er morning always seems that much busier as regards food , so Ivan 's going up in the morning erm , you know why ?
28 If you know the table 's going up in the air you know it 's time
29 Automatically it 's staying , hopefully , if your salary 's going up by the rate of inflation , this will then be matching your salary , year in , year out .
30 Well then Pam made me laugh cos the tiler he , she said he 's go up on the roof and he 's there for hours !
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