Example sentences of "be go [adv prt] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 Earlier her plan had been to go down to the village a little before the gala on the pretext of shopping and finding out the times of the events and perhaps look in at the antique shop ( for Mrs Price was on the Gala committee ) and let it be known she would join the young people , but now that her mother was ill that was out of the question , she pushed it on one side , the urgent thing was to get to the chemist 's and get the stuff up to her mother .
2 If Mr Newton is right , perhaps Mr Lamont will one day be able to please the traditionalists … by announcing that the railways are to go back to the good old steam age .
3 Yeah so we get one and the you 're going on to the next one .
4 Then they 're going over to the Palace to see the Bishop , ’ said Julia chattily .
5 Now we 're going over to the tuck shop Go on Natalie sing something .
6 Now they 're going back to a sensitive area .
7 Now they 're going back to a sensitive area .
8 We 're going back to a kind of rating system with the different assessment on valuations
9 ‘ We 're going back to the wireless room .
10 ‘ You 're going back to the road , sir ? ’
11 ‘ We 're going back to the boat , ’ he said tersely .
12 ‘ You 've found us , we 're going back to the quarry , everything 's all right , ’ he said soothingly .
13 you 're going where ? , you 're going back to the moon , oh have you co , have you come back from the moon now ?
14 you 're going back to the moon ?
15 We 're going back to the woodblock flooring .
16 But see we 're going back to the old seasons now .
17 We 're going down to the village .
18 We 're going down to the beach to look for mussels . ’
19 So after you 've finished training , you 're going down to the library , yes , to look up the names of the people luve in Street , and once you 've been on that appointment you 've got to go back to the branch and you 're gon na do your mail shots whatever you 're gon na do , put it in there .
20 Underarm deodorant to make us smell nice when we 're going out to a party ?
21 Yes she said we 're going out to a dinner party tonight , I thought golly
22 What , like you 're going out to a pool
23 We 're going out to an expensive restaurant , a very expensive restaurant , the sort of place Selina can dress up for
24 ‘ You had better get yourself into the washhouse and clean yourself up , ’ she said , ‘ I am going round to the Post Office and let Sid Watkins know . ’
25 ‘ We are going round to the stage door now , ’ she announced firmly .
26 Hamish and I are going over to the Island to see her next weekend .
27 Switchboard use it a lot again , to try and get to the bottom of , you know , calls that are going through to the wrong place and things like that .
28 Hi , After lengthy negotiations in private , Gav & I are going along to the Sunderland game together on Wednesday .
29 THE enthusiastic housekeeper will no doubt be pleased to hear that the carpet retailers are going back to the twist .
30 PHYSICS lecturers are going back to the nursery to teach toddlers in the water tub while admissions tutors consider the merits of palm-reading and astrology for selecting students at Newcastle Polytechnic .
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