Example sentences of "be go [adv prt] [coord] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ( Bridget , aged sixteen ) I feel personally that the most difficult thing to cope with is not the physical and emotional changes I am going through but the attitudes of people around me .
2 For example on the building that we 're talking about shifting , first of all we 've got to find a site for the thing , then we 've got to get planning permission , then we 've got to get the actual permission of the owner of the land , then we 've got to make sure that erm electricity 's laid on , that there 's water laid on , that there 's some sort of toilet or other facilities and so on , and when you add all that up it 's quite a complicated sort of series of bureaucratic procedures you 've got to go through and it 's not a question of , you know , of people saying to us as Councillors well , you know , do this for us and we can magic it out in six months out of thin air _ there 's an awful lot of paperwork that 's got to be gone through and an awful lot of people to see and an awful lot of red tape , really , to get through first — I mean just to make sure that the thing 's safe and complies with health and safety standards — and that 's something which you have to get across to young people and if they 're involved in the actual discussions on this and involved in the organisation , they begin to see the complexities and they 're less inclined , I think , to automatically assume that erm people are n't on their side and do n't want to listen .
3 Never mind , the dates were going in and the last few weeks of the tour in the Eastern states were coming up .
4 when you were going out and the had stopped and all the girls had a you know , the ordinary paper bag with a got their shoes in there .
5 When I get there — the whole place is going up and the farmer 's in his pyjamas trying to save the rick .
6 The top half of it slides down over the bottom half so that it can be lowered right down to table-top level when a debate is going on and a speaker is sitting down .
7 ‘ Unless something is done about what is going on and a stop is put to the chaos , then the health-care prospects for London are very gloomy . ’
8 Now they are going to appeal , but in the meanwhile the work is going on and the bulldozers are ready and waiting on the west side of the excavations , right up against the seventeenth-century cellars which were found intact , still full of bottles and vessels .
9 A considerable learning process is going on and the outcome — democracy , authoritarianism or prolonged instability — is uncertain ( Sakwa , 1990 , pp. 159–69 ; Smith , 1992 , pp. 129–45 ) .
10 What if the passenger gets out because he is terrified by what is going on and the car crashes at the next corner ?
11 You only have to sit in there and you hear the rumours and the gossip that 's going around and the thing is , in the staffroom it 's always the bad kids that are talked about , never the good ones , which I suppose makes sense in a way , but as a new teacher , you come in , you hear these rumours like , I used to hear rumours about Kevin ( an Afro-Caribbean pupil ) and I thought , ‘ Oh , God , I 'll have to watch out for Kevin , everybody thinks he 's a trouble-maker and that means he 's bound to be in my class ’ , but I mean it 's not as simple as that , it really is n't …
12 So if the law was clear that in those circumstances they should have been on notice and should have therefore watched where the money was going , there would n't have been a problem and are we not saying that legitimate stock lending which I think is what is about is suggesting , if carried on properly on the market , would be all right , but if it immediately goes off market into the back doors and back rooms and people ca n't see what 's going on and the Financial Institutions take part in that , then they are doing something that un undoubtedly is probably going to cause loss to pension funds and should n't there be a clear law which makes them liable in those circumstances .
13 So if the law was clear that in those circumstances they should have been on notice and should have therefore watched where the money was going , there would n't have been a problem and are we not saying that legitimate stock lending , which I think is what Good is abou is suggesting , if carried on properly on market , would be all right , but if it immediately goes off market into the back doors and back rooms and people ca n't see what 's going on and the financial institutions take part in that , then they are doing something that un undoubtedly is probably going to cause loss to pension funds and should n't there be a clear law which makes them liable in those circumstances .
14 It 's going down and every time it goes down it 's equal on both sides yeah .
15 Everyone knew this was going on but the vast profits involved generated a convenient blanket of economic hypocrisy .
16 No one seemed to know what the situation was or what was going on but the diplomats , at least , had prepared for the worst .
17 ‘ I went out to see what was going on and a policeman told us to evacuate the area .
18 As a result the climate of collaboration could be full of unresolved questions and tensions , children could be confused about what was going on and the potential of the collaboration could be subverted .
19 I started to walk a way out of the main bedroom and I heard P C say words to the effect of get down and I turned round to see what was going on and the man was trying to roll over to get up or that 's what I thought , erm not kicking or or fighting or anything but just to me it looked as though he was going to get up and I went back and with my hands just pushed down onto him and said stay there , it will all be explained er and then walked away .
20 If they could see the theatre to see what was going on and an example of audio description
21 The sun was going down and the sky had declined into green-gold before the bird was tolerably roasted .
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