Example sentences of "be go [to-vb] [adv prt] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Yes , we 're going to open up a resort on Mars .
2 We 're going to put on the Olympic Games in ‘ 96 , we 're going to make everybody including Athens proud .
3 er I do n't know how to answer that question , all I can say is we 're going to put on the Olympic Games in ‘ 96 and we 're going to make everybody , including Athens I hope , proud .
4 In fact , we 've stolen some nuclear weapons and we 're going to tell the government we 're going to blow up the whole country unless they let us play Wembley . ’
5 ‘ We 're going to hang up the washing on the Siegfried Line … ’
6 If you do n't tell them that you 're going to pick up a thirty five percent deposit cheque .
7 We 're going to set up a safari park in the back garden and cream teans on the lawn
8 ‘ The question of whether we 're going to clean up the environment of this country is long over , ’ he told a press conference .
9 The first year you 're running on adrenalin and you 're going to take on the world .
10 When I use a well-known television series as a starting point I start by talking to the children about what we 're going to do and the way we 're going to work : " We 're going to make up a play together .
11 You 're going to make up a a test sheet each pair er you 're going to cop you 're going to rough it out in your book .
12 " And I suppose you 're going to slip out the kitchen door , " she continued , " which you might be able to do if you time it right and both Mrs James and Mr Gerard are distracted but how are you going to bet back in ? "
13 If you 're going to keep up the same pattern of commitments the answer is that the army is already stretched as it clan be and so are the other two services and this is putting a terrific strain on the individual servicemen and their families .
14 ‘ We 're going to ride out the storm . ’
15 You 're going to write out the questions and I 'm going to give your questions to another person and then you 're going to get it back to mark it .
16 I am going to point out the arguments for culling .
17 I am going to set up a two foot tank .
18 I am going to set up a two foot tank .
19 Mr Jefferies featured strongly in the confessions of Ivan Boesky and he is quoted in an American magazine this month as saying : ‘ If the government was going to bring me down for something like this , I am going to bring down a lot of other people with me ’ .
20 Now I am going to throw out a challenge .
21 One member of the pair was told by his/her partner ‘ I am going to read out a list of words to you .
22 Worked examples help the people who are going to fill in the survey .
23 Then say that you are going to pick up the cards in any order , which you do keeping the pairs together .
24 Barnes has fired up a powerful B side and told them : ‘ We are going to set down a performance that will make the selectors take notice .
25 I think that the compan companies out there have not made any profits for about five years , and they 're desperate to return to er an even keel , and they are going to force up the price of goods and services as soon humanly possible , and we 'll pick up the bill .
26 But we are going to stretch out a fraternal hand to the Ukrainian workers and tell them that , together with them , we are going to fight against our bourgeoisie and theirs .
27 Once get your heroine into one of those confrontations that are going to make up the greater part of her adventure , once have her facing another person and the words will flow .
28 ‘ We are going to build up the commitment to science , because if we carry on like the Tories are , Britain will be pushed down to the second or third division of industrial nations .
29 ‘ We are going to build up the commitment to science because if we carry on like the Tories are , our country is going to be shoved down to the second or third division of modern industrial nations ’ .
30 If you are going to pay off a debt through a prepayment meter , you should get advice from a Citizen 's Advice Bureau who will be able to negotiate with the supplier to ‘ calibrate ’ the meter to pay of any debt at a rate you can afford .
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