Example sentences of "be go [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I think the first thing you 're going to need from any candidate is that they 're going to have to believe in Europe .
2 I mean , my concern here is that if you 've got a procedure that 's got nine points in it , and effectively we 're going to go through one , two , three , five of those nine points and say either this does not apply to access or access does it differently .
3 And it does worry me because , if we 're going to go into unitory authorities whose going to take over these debts , if we 're going to build them up ?
4 It 's not long before he 's trying to explain the telepathic communities that will flourish after the apocalypse to me and offering this example : ‘ It 's like when you fancy someone , and you know you 're going to go with that person .
5 This year they 're going to go for four thousand .
6 Erm oh we 'll they 're going to go for twenty P plus cost of the stamped addressed return envelope
7 Well the only thing I think you will need because you 're going to go onto other people 's premises and I
8 you do n't think the other thing is that people who erm you know there there is everybody 's got wedding fairs in their own area , first of all , they 're going to go to those anyway and buy from their own local person .
9 If if we 're going to talk about common defence and that sort of thing , and common erm aid and erm trouble shooting across Europe , it 's obviously better for as many countries as possible to be within the inner ring of the E C community .
10 You 'll notice that they 're geared to certain things on the on the question paper , th the the constituents really of what we 're going to talk about this afternoon , which will revolve mainly around thinking about things that you 're doing , I E good observation and concentration , those two going hand in hand , always organizing yourself in relation to a good separation distance , so you can equate what safety means to you .
11 We 're going to talk about three methods of managing your time .
12 So basically have to plan who we 're going to invite to this party .
13 I think we 'll just have a nice quiet day today erm there 's a little bit of a snag because I do n't quite know what we 're going to do about all these children that like to go to the library .
14 ‘ Well , I do n't know what we 're going to do about that , ’ he said and sucked his teeth and shook his grey head and expressed dismay that a leg had been knocked off the chair .
15 But I do n't know what they 're going to do about that door but it 's gon na make fingers in the doors .
16 I always involve the local councillors because at the moment we have a running battle with them over the er repairs , because most of us live in council property in my particular Guild , and so we get involved and s you know what you 're going to do about these you know .
17 got a a a while to go yet before we decide what we 're going to do with that .
18 I just wonder what they 're going to do with that space .
19 And remember , any time you feel like changing your mind about what you 're going to do with this place , let me know .
20 Provided the erm the candidate or the student knows what they 're going to do in that year .
21 We 're keeping that one , it 's the old , really old one we 're going to put into that auction .
22 It would have made it more difficult , but the way that Maxwell used to involve himself in bulk transfers , you know and move , move two hundred pensioners from there to there and er no money followed and this sort of thing , I think that er that he could of quite frankly done exactly the same thing and we really feel that the , that the role of the pension regulator and the and the opposing role with I M R O that , that you really if we 're not careful , we 're going to put in another layer of bureaucracy and have a pension regulator who 's got the task of of checking a , a hundred and twenty eight thousand pension funds , when really there 's probably out of those a hundred and twenty eight thousand , ninety-nine point five per cent of probably being very well well run and , and quite safe and what , what we ca n't really see in the report is a is a method of identifying the determined fraudster at a at a very early stage , you know and we 're just terribly disappointed that er that Good has just thrown the whole of , of the matter back at I M R O who we feel have proved to tha that I do n't think they 're up to the task , I think that the that the whole question of er of the power of a self regulatory body which to us works on blowing the whistle , you know the whole the whole effect of a self regulatory body is that it 's members that it , it 's really like a club is n't it , you know and we 're all members of this club and if one of us er is gon na do something wrong , then the rest of us are gon na have to pay for it .
23 If your doctors says that you 're going die within twelve months , we will accept it as a diagnosis of a critical illness .
24 We 're going to continue with this objective in the coming months in this , the third series , but before we get totally immersed I want to use the first three programmes to stand back to take a more general look at what universities are about today .
25 Now if we 're going to exit on that side , where 's the best position that you would normally be in ?
26 ‘ We feel we 're going to explode from all this oppression . ’
27 She said we 're going to decorate on those days .
28 But just a minor point , erm if we 're going to settle for one third the job initially , is that going to improve the bollards to the front and rear ?
29 Er the only thing that I have not handed you is the Labour resolution which er twice mentions demands now although I 'm supporting this strong report here , I think it 's a mistake to demand things , it is , it does n't put people in a very good frame of mind to coax them but and I would ask the er Miss who I think we 're going to vote for this , whether she would consider changing to request , because I think we going to the situation where we make it known to the Department of Transport that we 're a string of such like , we do n't to upset them any more , I think that we requested that we answer is we would actually get a result in one .
30 Er , in other words if we decided erm come the end of this month that yes we 're going to take in one or more extra counties from Leicestershire , we would be in a position immediately to erm convene the er rec the appointing panel for a complaint examiner , would n't we ?
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