Example sentences of "be not [prep] [noun sg] with " in BNC.

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1 He did not restrict himself merely to giving his assent to publication , but added his comments , as , for example , on Two Treatises … concerning Infant Baptism ( 1645 ) by John Tombes [ q.v. ] , where he acknowledged that the author was a godly man ‘ and of the Presbyterian judgement , though I am not of opinion with him ’ and he agreed to the publication of these treatises to encourage further contributions to the debate on infant baptism .
2 I am not in love with Nicole and I never have been . ’
3 ‘ I am not in love with Florian and I never have been . ’
4 We feel sad when people we know are not at peace with one another .
5 One advantage is that the students are not in competition with each other , as each student 's achievement is assessed against the criteria laid down and not against the best student .
6 What about the member of staff who has beliefs and attitudes that are not in tune with those that are being encouraged ?
7 This discordant sound is caused by the pickup magnets pulling the strings downwards , which produces wolf notes , or false harmonics , that are not in tune with the ‘ speaking ’ length of the string .
8 Since they are not in contact with the ground they are not worn away in the usual fashion .
9 ‘ Then if these beautiful young women are not in love with their elderly escorts , ’ Nathan 's voice was soft and mildly puzzled , ‘ what do you suppose is the attraction ? ’
10 I too believe that the subscriptions are not in keeping with today 's prices and am prepared to double my yearly subscription from £6 to £12 .
11 If the contents are not in accordance with your understanding of our agreement , we shall be pleased to receive your further observations and to give you any other information you require . ]
12 If the contents are not in accordance with your understanding of our agreement , we shall be pleased to receive your further observations and to give you any other information you require .
13 If the contents are not in accordance with your understanding , we shall be pleased to receive your further observations and to give you any other information you require ]
14 If the contents are not in accordance with your understanding of our agreement , we shall be pleased to receive your further observations and to give you any other information you require . ]
15 If the contents are not in accordance with your understanding of our agreement , we shall be pleased to receive your further observations and to give you any other information you require ] .
16 Now that policy and I think think I 'll it out , The proposals for industry and commerce that are not in accordance with the relevant policies of this plan would not normally be permitted but special provision for very large projects may occasionally be made in exceptional circumstances provided that , and there are three criteria , There would be substantial proven employment or other benefits to county residents , the proposal can not reasonably be implemented on land proposed in local plans for industrial or commercial development bearing in mind the undertakings operational requirements , and thirdly , that there are no overriding planning objections .
17 Erm perhaps I could answer that Chairman by saying that the policy I 've suggested from the Humberside structure plan would er would I think cover that er problem in that it starts off by saying , Proposals for industry and commerce that are not in accordance with the relevant policies of this plan will not normally be permitted .
18 Civil servants must serve whatever government is in power even if they are not in sympathy with that government 's views .
19 Moreover , Bridgeman justified his actions to Balfour in terms which Maxse would have approved , arguing that Balfour seemed to be ‘ surrounded by men who are not in touch with the mass of the Party ’ , complaining of ‘ the extraordinary difference in perspective which party questions assume inside the House from that presented by them to the man in the street ’ and voicing suspicions about the secrecy of Parliamentary procedures such as ‘ the pourparlers of the whips of both sides ’ .
20 ( If you are not in touch with your anger , fake it !
21 They are not in touch with the present frontier of physics .
22 The example shows exactly that the Opposition are not in touch with what is going on .
23 Schussler attempted , with his salts , to simplify homoeopathy to make it easier to practise , but his concept of deficiency disease has not been validated and his ideas are not in line with classical homoeopathic principles .
24 Monetarist opponents of these views point out that the fact that industries in certain regions are unprofitable is evidence enough of either the fact that such industries are not in line with modern production methods or with demands in the international market ; or that their location imposes additional costs on production compared with similar industries elsewhere in the country ; or both factors may apply .
25 There may well be problems ahead both for the pupil and for the school if the child 's family are not in agreement with the professionals ' decisions about the educational placement proposed .
26 These data are in an agreement with positive roll-like curvature of the GCC/GGC motif , predicted from nucleosome packing data and the 3D structure of the GGGGCCCC octamer , but they are not in agreement with the dinucleotide-based roll angle values predicted for AG/CT , TA , GG/CC and GC steps .
27 Their results on butyrate metabolism therefore concur with the findings of the dispersed cell experiments and are not in agreement with our findings .
28 The lower rates of metabolism of glutamine and glucose , however , found in UC in that study are not in agreement with either our or Roediger 's findings , so the implications of this report remain unclear .
29 Well if you 'd erm like to call now the lines are open , I 'd like to hear your point of view , your reaction to what 's going on ; I know a lot of people erm are not in agreement with what 's going on .
30 When you are not in harmony with your body , you learn to be less tactile , less physical — learning to ‘ reach out ’ as a form of communication becomes second nature when you are used to exercising .
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