Example sentences of "be for the [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 The forecasts are for the year to the first half of 1991 , during which the bulk of the gdp fall took place .
2 Normal arrangements are for the purchaser to be entitled to the interest on the monies subsequently released to it from the retention accounts .
3 The best thing that could happen now would be for the scheme to be killed by another backbench Tory revolt , like the rebellion which quashed Sir Keith Joseph 's 1985 effort to make student fees income-related .
4 The best thing that could happen now would be for the scheme to be killed by another backbench Tory revolt , like the rebellion which quashed Sir Keith Joseph 's 1985 effort to make student fees income-related .
5 The hearer is being trusted to take a large share of the responsibility in imagining what it may be for the speaker to be past his youth , and the result is a wide range of weak implicatures .
6 In a case where the husband owns the house alone , subject to mortgage , and the wife and new husband decide to buy him out , the most usual procedure would be for the conveyance to the wife and new husband to take place contemporaneously with the redemption of the existing mortgage and the taking of the new mortgage .
7 A compromise solution may be for the vendor to hive the Target business and assets down to a newly formed target company in its group and for Newco then to acquire Target , in the knowledge that only specified liabilities have been taken over by the new Target .
8 Meanwhile , the only alternative seems to be for the baby to be looked after by her mother , and she will go and visit in the evenings when her father has gone off to his night work .
9 Under the community charge rules , the normal payment plan will be for the charge to be paid in 10 monthly instalments .
10 He may not be able to see the political and general interest wood for the specialist trees , and there is a sense in which there are obviously dangers of that kind erm and the generalist has always taken the view that it 's for the specialist to be able to explain his problems in language which , after all , politicians who take the final decisions will have to be able to understand .
11 The most usual situation is for the Commissioner to be asked to advise on the selection of a solicitor , and the applicant will be given a list from which to choose .
12 The most fundamental of these is for the field to be divided into quadrants by a central cross , and for each of these segments to be decorated with the same design .
13 Another requirement is for the photocopy to be of the highest quality since it is usual for photocopies of standard letters to be sent to clients .
14 Although the ultimate goal of rehabilitation is for the patient to be able to walk and function independently , not all patients can be expected to recover fully .
15 The best approach is for the patient to be totally independent if at all possible .
16 The three years in which the public sector was in surplus and repaying outstanding debt may be seen as exceptional ; the normal pattern is for the government to be a net seller of debt .
17 Another technique for delaying ejaculation is for the man to practice tensing his muscles to stop the flow while urinating .
18 It is important to note that the obligation is for the firm to be able to show that it believes on reasonable grounds that the customer understands the relevant matters .
19 Sometimes all that is needed is for the smear to be repeated in 6 months or a year .
20 Sometimes all that is needed is for the smear to be repeated in 6 months or a year .
21 The last thing I want is for the case to be closed .
22 The alternative approach is for the project to be more explicitly a contract between the LEA or schools concerned , the higher education institution and the student .
23 A practical consideration when testing vehicle parts is for the defendant to be asked to apply the part such as brakes himself .
24 The purpose of the initial meeting is for the lawyer to : ( a ) understand why the business is being bought and sold ; ( b ) understand what is being sold ; ( c ) identify who is involved ; and ( d ) discuss the structure for the sale , namely whether the purchaser should buy assets or shares .
25 The most common is for the rent to be periodically revised to a figure agreed between the parties , with procedure for determination by a third party if the landlord and tenant fail to agree .
26 The requirement , though , is for the effort to be made , so that students come to appreciate the standards of truth and evaluation internal to the discipline .
27 But what I really want is for the book to be read and enjoyed by the people who read the other books .
28 What matters above all is for the consultation to be a genuine exercise in communication and not an ill-conceived charade .
29 When a vacancy occurs for the top post in a department , the tradition is for the vacancy to be discussed by the head of the civil service with the secretary of state .
30 However , there will be concern that one of the two Capesize tankers under construction is an internal order — the plan is for the ship to be leased rather than sold .
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