Example sentences of "be to be [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 'm to be on the committee of the Society for the Relief of Distressed Widows , ’ she told him one day .
2 ‘ I am the type who likes to be to be on the training ground every day . ’
3 If Labour is to have a role in Scotland , then it surely must be to be in the forefront of that fight with the Scottish people .
4 After take-off Beaton surveyed his surroundings : ‘ Silk-lined walls , arm chairs like Pullmans , various compartments for eating , sleeping , smoking — this is the aircraft that took Churchill to America … how grateful I am to be among the lucky ones on the last lap for home . ’
5 When we have cares , we are not to look to pagan religious practices and philosophies for respite , but we are to be as the Apostle Peter put it ‘ Casting all your care upon him , for he careth for you . ’
6 ( b ) The presumption rebutted ( i ) By express words The parties may always provide expressly that time limits are to be of the essence .
7 And we appreciate how honoured we are to be among the select few who they chose to share this very special occasion with them .
8 So basically for drawing all designs that are to be in a single colour , relying on texture for their effect , I use the Fancy Patterns option .
9 ‘ How lucky we are to be in a band and not having to get up every morning to do a crappy job .
10 ‘ How lucky we are to be in a band and not having to get up every morning to do a crappy job .
11 They got their chance to delve into the details at a news conference … but Chris Dean also got the chance to say how pleased he and Jayne are to be in the region and finally able to stay at home .
12 These were to be of a loose fit above the knee and slightly tapered below to follow ‘ the shape of the leg from above the calf to the top of the shoe . ’
13 It was possible to estimate the approximate vicinity of the conjectural planet if it were to be of a reasonable size and to be responsible for the perturbation of Uranus ' orbit .
14 The old rule was that requisitions on title were dealt with after contracts had been exchanged , and that prior to that time the questions were to be of a practical nature , as per the form of preliminary enquiries .
15 Fortunately , it happens that we have a common friend and both he and Mr Maxwell were to be at a board meeting in New York on Monday . ’
16 Some odd-looking monsters had been produced by designers striving to come to terms with these innovations , but by 1880 warships were already essentially what they were to be for the rest of the century , armoured , steam-driven and screw-propelled , with their main armament in revolving turrets or carried broadside .
17 He told us some harrowing stories of life on a bomber aerodrome which had ‘ main force ’ squadrons , always carrying heavy loads of high explosives and incendiaries , and impressed on us how lucky we were to be on a Pathfinder station .
18 The infant churches experienced from the synagogues persecution which , when full grown , they were to be in a position to return .
19 The clubhouse plans ( of which no copy exists ) were discussed , and were revised to include a scullery ; the usual offices ( presumably the toilets ) were to be in a detached , rather than integral , building .
20 ‘ It would be extra-ordinary and , in our opinion , unthinkable if the Court of Appeal ( Criminal Division ) were to be in a position thereafter to pronounce upon other grounds of appeal and thereby destroy the order of the House of Lords by again quashing the conviction . ’
21 However , parents who could not afford to pay for the meals were to be in no way penalized .
22 The controversy which surrounded these events , and which periodically exercised the District Executive and enlivened the District Council , took place at a time when tutor-organisers were less established figures than they were to be in the 1960s and 1970s .
23 The Necromundans were to be in the fortress-monastery for six imperial months before suffering their initiatory hazing at the hands of older cadets .
24 The county court judge held that in view of certain statutory provisions which provided that the costs of the arbitration were to be in the discretion of the arbitrator , the costs agreement was invalid .
25 Sara and Thomas were to be in the cottage , and Simon 's household of three in Thomas 's place .
26 It has been suggested that literacy levels in these weaving villages were higher than they were to be in the industrial towns of south Lancashire a generation later .
27 It 's to be on the right , the layout plan Mr Bradford is correct , the house type is just purely the elevation the
28 Cool and fresh it 's to be for the fish , more studied and solid for the main course ; for the dessert , fragile and delicate .
29 Albert 's philosophies crop up in the White House 's cancer policy paper , which is to be as a blueprint for everything from pesticides to pills .
30 Tacit consent was the tactic which Locke used in his Second Treatise to escape from the dilemma of reconciling his basic principle — " The Liberty of Man , in Society , is to be under no other Legislative Power , but that established , by consent , in the Commonwealth … " ( 22 , p. 301 ) — with the desirability of a stable and durable system of government which would not have to be submitted to the people for constant re-endorsement .
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