Example sentences of "be to be [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The return system , we , we say to the girls they must come back but they 're to be incorporated within the round .
2 So with those erm policy points and those questions about the ab ability of migrants to outbid locals , and the ac housing access issue , I would erm suggest that if they 're to be accepted by the panel , then more information is .
3 The arches will never be seen in their original form again ; To preserve them against the increased exposure to the elements which lowering the water level will bring , they 're to be sprayed with a fine layer of protective concrete , leaving no visible sign of their remarkable survival .
4 In his speech er in that debate the honourable member for Edinburgh central and the bench er in his place today , er welcomed the government 's acceptance of Sir Thomas ' and the select committee 's recommendation and agreed er that it was in his words , important that the statutory duty of auditors ought to be clear so that er to use his colourful phrase , if whistles are to be blown they 're to be blown without doubt .
5 They 're to be kept in my library .
6 ‘ We 're to be married in two weeks ’ time , ’ Alyssia informed her , settling into one of the chairs with Piers 's arm protectively resting behind her shoulders .
7 They 're to be married in May in Dingle . ’
8 They 're to be married in the small church that Christian built , next to my cottage . ’
9 There 's work in plenty if we 're to be finished on time .
10 Do I take it that I 'm to be redeemed from that particular fate ?
11 And if you think I 'm to be taken in that easy , Miss Jennifer , then think again ! " and muttering to himself that it was as great a pity to see women weep as geese go barefoot , he took Ann by the arm and went back into his house .
12 Does the Minister agree with the view therefore , that nurses that nurses should be given the authority to admit patients to hospital provided there is a bed without having to wait for a decision to be to be made by a doctor ?
13 This allowed a number of questions to be to be formulated from the activity lists ( Fig 11.15 ) for discussion with all those persons in the EPH dealing with financial matters , the answers being noted on a separate formatted sheet .
14 Whatever other reasons may have existed — and however unpleasant it may be to be reminded of it — this is the same reason used in Germany in the 1930s .
15 My understanding is that change of traffic flows along the A sixty one , through Harrogate and Knaresborough will or through Harrogate anyway , will allow significant improvements to the environment to be to be attained through for example erm pedestrian er refuges on on the roads through i er allowing er pedestrian er priority areas .
16 So I think it it is an issue that perhaps has n't been addressed in our discussions erm hitherto and and and seems to me from from past evidence to sugg to be an issue that does need to be to be looked at .
17 Now if we are going to say that this rolling programme , we we do n't mean this rolling programme because it it 's all going back to committees again to be to be looked at then we are putting our at a disadvantage they will disband and the cost to us for refurbishment will increase .
18 My understanding is that A those do n't exist at present within the deposit plan , but if they did at some future date , for any reason , that their function would be to be used after two thousand and six to sustain the permanence of the greenbelt .
19 I used to wonder just what the kestrel was looking at , what it was thinking , and I 'd imagine how wonderful it must be to be suspended in mid-air , looking down on the Earth as it was .
20 And enabled us to be to be known throughout the local streets , the local shopkeepers and such like .
21 And how lucky I am to be living in Badminton , a beautiful Cotswold village , on the edge of a park in the middle of a great landed estate , with all the amenities provided at my landlord 's expense and responsibility .
22 BELVILLE : So I am to be exposed in my house by such a sauce-box as you .
23 In this society it follows that real talent goes unrewarded and unflinching purity of soul is automatically derided — on both these counts I am to be numbered among the punished , especially in regard to material goods and services , financial security , the trust and love of friendship , and the divinely counselled companionship of wife and family .
24 I am to be dominated by the truth because I have been made a Christian by the operation of the Holy Spirit within .
25 Alain did not know what a shock it had been to be dragged up those stairs and to find a room like a small time capsule , the very essence of the man she had not known still lingering there .
26 How thrilled the girl had been to be going to the Holy City , how lovely she had looked in a jacket of scarlet silk , a birthday present given only the day before by Mrs Browning , how she had glowed and shivered with anticipation …
27 But there is one more role we have to play if we are to been seen as a socially responsible company , setting standards for the industry within the society in which we operate .
28 Basically Tests are to be done as worksheets in the classroom just as any other worksheet and would be done , to see if a child has understood the work taught .
29 In fact , pursuant to r 6.80 , no resolutions can be taken at the meeting of creditors other than : ( i ) a resolution to appoint a named insolvency practitioner to be trustee or two or more insolvency practitioners as joint trustees ; ( ii ) a resolution to establish a creditors ' committee ; ( iii ) ( unless a creditors ' committee has been established ) a resolution specifying the terms of the trustee 's remuneration or to defer consideration of that matter ; ( iv ) if two or more trustees are appointed , a resolution specifying whether acts are to be done by both or all of them , or by only one ; ( v ) a resolution adjourning the meeting for not more than three weeks ; and ( vi ) any other resolutions which the chairman thinks it right to allow for special reasons .
30 Regular faces that greet you in the banks , shops and offices in Funchal are to be seen on the eight-kilometre long beach of white sand .
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