Example sentences of "be in [art] [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 If you 're not doing it like that and you 're in a conversation or atmosphere in the room , when I find it , this little gadget is wonderful , this will pick up for a long way , this will pick up the dogs next door , if there was no other noise in this room .
2 I think that it 's not just the policy , I think it 's the whole of society 's attitudes , because children learn what they are by how people see them , and if they 're in a society that says you 're in an unusual situation , if you 're not with two parents then somehow your situation is n't right and we condemn it !
3 We 're in a mess and nothing is going to pull us out ; I am not a socialist ; I 'm not impressed by your little man in Rome ; I do n't like ultra-nationalists ( I 'm not one of those who 'd follow the general ) ; I think there is something to be said for constitutional monarchy but in France that cause is as dead as mutton ; I have not much faith in the League , nor in democracy as an up-to-date technique of government .
4 What a waste of time , we all know that the county council is the the highway authority and is fully responsible for traffic management , we 're in a minority and to set up a working party is a complete waste of time . .
5 Now what is the point of saving money if you 're in a job and you 're worried about being made redundant when , if you become redundant you are ineligible for housing benefit because you 've been saving money .
6 Yeah , like somebody else , like , you 're walking down the street , like , you 're in a house and , and you check it for a minute and you 're like
7 What a bloody disgrace when you 're in a democracy and they want minimum
8 But it 's only when they 're in a crowd but course , among that crowd are some that are bad and some that are good get carried along with them , that 's
9 But if it 's in space , you 're in a spaceship and then you throw your pen out through the window .
10 We 're in a room that occupies the whole ground floor of the cottage ; in one comer , a steep staircase — more like a ladder climbs to some sort of loft or upper room .
11 Or you know you 're in a meeting and the chairman what 's your opinion John on this where you what do you think about this ?
12 If you 're in an organization and you 're leader , you , you have to encourage them .
13 If you 're in the bookies and you do n't happen to see them .
14 • To contact Stepping Stones : if you 're in the Devon and Exeter area , ring 100 and ask for Stepping Stones Young Concern Lifeline .
15 Do they go in a cupboard somewhere and stay there until the day comes when you 're in the ministry and you think oh those new magazines I 'd better get them , because we 're going
16 He also held a simplistic visionary view of Israel : ‘ You know , I turn back to your ancient prophets in the Old Testament , and the signs foretelling Armageddon , and I find myself wondering if , if we 're in the generation that 's going to see it come about .
17 Well And then there 's there 's y er y he ca n't get in the house cos you 're in the way and he 's trying to push past and y we do n't know where the hell to go .
18 Especially I mean you 're in the nearside And you 've got limiters fitted now have you all of you ?
19 well the bit where it meets , pattern should be over the door , so it 's not until you 're in the room and looking back out
20 The point is that once you 're in the boat and on the water the disability ceases to count .
21 on whether you 're in the club or not , but he said .
22 They 're in the congregation so they naturally think of using the network .
23 ‘ I realise you love this car and I know you 're tired , ’ she said , determinedly hauling him out , ‘ but I 'd be grateful if you could save this until we 're in the house and in the dry . ’
24 We come back from and we 're in the car and erm they 're talking about guns see , I said well you ou , you know our Harry was R S M like you know , I said you wan na ask Ha Ha Harry I said been a soldier all his life .
25 They 're in the pack and happy to be there .
26 but I am in a pickle when I get one .
27 ‘ I am in a truck and this good-looking man wants a lift .
28 I am in a band and we are still at school .
29 If I am in a studio and initially feel slightly lukewarm towards a particular piece I find it does not last very long because I soon get caught up with the work of a strong artist .
30 But I am in no doubt that if players had not been forthcoming the next chapter in the SA book — not the SARB 's — would have been to offer money .
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