Example sentences of "have the slightest [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If the little creatures were really blank paper at birth , nobody would ever have the slightest difficulty in writing on them whatever their particular culture required , and it would be impossible for them ever to surprise their elders by unexpected conduct .
2 In connection with a suggested airport perimeter path , I think you would find that the route would not have the slightest attraction for the ‘ misbehaving minority ’ on mountain bikes — simply because the terrain is flat .
3 There was nobody in a position of power in Iran , he believed , but ‘ irrational lunatics ’ , with whom ‘ we did n't have the slightest possibility of getting any kind of an improved relationship ’ .
4 But after the triumph , I do n't have the slightest doubt that women will ensure that their true rights are respected .
5 I do not have the slightest doubt that in Nottingham the money is available to do whatever is necessary to keep open those old people 's homes , and so remove once and for all the worry of hundreds of residents in those homes .
6 Only those who have experienced mass hysteria close at hand can have the slightest concept of Philip Drew 's triumphant return to the Great Western Hotel for the last time .
7 I assured him that I did not have the slightest idea where the Derby Cup was and had not made away with it .
8 I said , ‘ I do n't have the slightest idea . ’
9 Geraci clearly did n't have the slightest idea what Zen was talking about .
10 Geraci clearly did n't have the slightest idea what Zen was talking about
11 Only the first would Niki have the slightest chance of repaying .
12 ‘ I would not have the slightest objection to living the rest of my life here , ’ said Jose Rizal .
13 Admittedly , the thought-processes of anyone still undecided which way to vote on Thursday must be mysterious or vestigial : but I can not believe that such nonsense will have the slightest effect on the result of the election .
14 What was more , it was in the highest degree unlikely that any protest of his would have the slightest effect in any matter relating to Hilary Frome .
15 If I were a woman I would n't have the slightest interest in it either .
16 ‘ I did n't have the slightest desire to see the restitution of my father 's property , ’ he added in that 1968 interview , and ‘ I was always in favour of socialism in the sense of nationalisation of major means of production . ’
17 Yet , at the same time , why do we assume that a technological civilization will have the slightest desire to quest among the stars ?
18 They do n't have the slightest understanding of what I 'm trying to do . ’
19 The plans would become the absolute copyright of the Government , to choose from the several plans the whole or such parts as might be found desirable ; but the architects would not have the slightest claim to be employed in the execution of the works .
20 The Stalinist town-planner , L. Sobsovich , emphasized that ‘ communal life ’ was to take priority over personal privacy in Soviet architecture : ‘ The idea of the one-family , isolated house , whose charms may be obvious from the petit-bourgeois , individualist point of view , will no longer have the slightest justification in the agglomerations of the socialist type and will consequently no longer be considered … ’
21 Who can seriously believe that , without such an incentive , the Soviet Union would have the slightest intention of reducing its ‘ theatre ’ nuclear forces ?
22 He wanted to win the ball and did not have the slightest intention of injuring Uzzell , he added .
23 The Laird of Quarrel did not have the slightest intention of sharing the spoils of office with Craigbarnet , but he was unlikely to get anywhere near the office without strong interest , and those upon whom he relied were ready to see the wisdom of returning to the old practice of sharing the office .
24 Now I did not have the slightest intention of going down for a drink : all the drinking I was going to do was at the reception — if I ever got to the wedding .
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