Example sentences of "could not cope [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It was crude , slow , and could not cope with variations in speech .
2 The British Columbians , despite dogged persistence , could not cope with a pack in which eight men worked as one and where possession once obtained was so powerfully and cunningly retained .
3 This was due to the impossibility of conveying such goods between the two cities at a time when the railways could not cope with grain supplies coming into Saratov .
4 For visitors would stare at her , ask her questions , would talk and expect a reply , and Alida knew that she could say nothing , could not cope with any demands .
5 Portsmouth and Liverpool drew 1–1 at Highbury , and the replay in Birmingham had to be put back when police said they could not cope with it the day before last week 's General Election .
6 In particular it could not cope with the pressure of a growing population .
7 Sometimes adults , inexperienced and suspicious of drama , could not cope with a vague suggestion that the second partner should be in role as a friend , colleague or relative .
8 I can recall a class of eight-to nine-year-olds in Brisbane in which one or two could not cope with being in a submissive role of being hijacked .
9 The other principle , bigger cylinders , was less successful , mainly because existing phonographs could not cope with it .
10 Coal-tar technology could not cope with the huge expansion in the chemical industry that took place after the Second World War .
11 Wan Plumpton , deputy chairman of the Electricity Council takes the view that consumers , and women in particular , could not cope with ‘ spot pricing ’ .
12 The mandarins of Communist China were quite clear that their empire could not cope with unemployed or dispossessed donkey drivers .
13 Three-year-old Carol White could not cope with what her mother calls ‘ decapitated ’ pictures ( White , 1954 , p.56 ) .
14 If even Alison Kraemer 's perfect manners could not cope with the news , then our marriage must be an intolerable scandal .
15 He found he could no longer hide behind a naive love , a sensuous world of uncomplex bohemia and he was drawn , still yearning for past ignorance , not up or down , but along to a state of affairs that simply put he could not cope with .
16 The former road-builder , now Field Marshal , Wade , with 6000 men , was despatched to Newcastle , prompting a notable pun by a local woman : ‘ Since we could not COPE with out present difficulties , we must WADE through them . ’
17 She could not cope with lifts , and she could not go into the garden shed in case the door closed upon her .
18 Usually the two pilots who are on night duty sleep in the ambulance but the driver and medical orderly who also sleep in it had worked up a terrific ‘ fug ’ — ‘ Imshi ’ Mason and I felt we could not cope with the smell of unwashed feet , etc. , so we dragged the two stretchers out . ’
19 A number of manors , such as Patching , complained repeatedly that they could not cope with such demands ; there is little evidence that they got any cuts .
20 ‘ Even though I had known this man for years , I could not cope with seeing him alone , ’ she said .
21 A BANK manager killed himself because he could not cope with the worry and pressure of his work in the recession .
22 In July 1990 , P concluded that he could not cope with the mounting arrears under the mortgage , and his other debts .
23 Unfortunately the smaller coffin-maker could not cope with the high-powered advertising of IPC and Dottridge Brothers , preferring to place miniature versions of their handiwork in the shop window for the benefit of passers-by , though they probably relied on the funeral furnishing warehouses for the supply of linings and coffin furniture .
24 members of her class , could not cope with displays of emotion .
25 In my own backyard , friends who could not cope with their own homophobia deserted me …
26 Recording a verdict that Mrs Bowyer ‘ Took her own life ’ , Dr Weir said : ‘ This is terribly tragic because she did it because she could not cope with the pain of the illness she suffered from . ’
27 A DEPRESSED mum has vanished with her three mischievous sons after saying she could not cope with long school holidays and mounting debts .
28 The need for these was identified when the regular programme of summer schools for ABE students began to attract students with severe learning difficulties who could not cope with the curriculum offered but seemed to gain great benefit from the opportunity for residential education .
29 If the school felt it could not cope with Balbinder then maybe he would be better in a more sympathetic environment .
30 In addition , the hospital 's psychiatric unit could not cope with bed blocking : occupancy often reaches 90% in spring and autumn , leaving inadequate space for emergency admissions .
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