Example sentences of "could not face the " in BNC.

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1 Admittedly , the weather was worse , English fortunes were at a low ebb , and the higher charges may well have deterred many people , especially the Caribbean fans ; but one suspects that some thousands of people simply could not face the prospect of yet another day almost entirely given over to fast bowling .
2 He secured permission from the Home Secretary for Lizzy to be disinterred but , unlike Berlioz , he could not face the grisly spectacle , and delegated the task to his lawyer .
3 Once home — and although she had eaten nothing for several hours — Annette found that she could not face the thought of a meal , even though her husband offered to prepare one for her .
4 Unfortunately , they played in blue strips and Nicholas could not face the prospect of signing for a team that wore the same colour of shirts as Rangers , and so he returned to Celtic Boys Club to await his calling from Paradise .
5 I had planned to go back by bus to Fulham , as I still could not face the underground .
6 The two of them ate well , but Charlotte could not face the meal .
7 AS a victim of the eating disorder bulimia , Joanna Grenside could not face the Christmas season of family meals and parties .
8 I could not face the prospect of spending a long holiday in Weymouth , because I would argue with my sister , and it rains too much in Weymouth .
9 She was often in tears as they travelled to the various venues , telling her husband that she simply could not face the crowds .
10 She had to be carried into Afghanistan that fateful summer because she could not face the rigours of the journey and took refuge in illness .
11 Whether she could not face the thought of having a stepson foisted on her . ’
12 My sympathies , however , were very much with the wretched fellow who had the courage to own up that he could not face the prospect any longer of flying against a lethal enemy .
13 He was particularly anxious to return to the States before Mark left the company , as he simply could n't face the prospect of having to spell out to the Englishman the compensation terms and pension proposals which New York had worked out .
14 He could n't face the world .
15 She could have asked Dorothy of course , Dorothy knew about these things , but she could n't face the look of exasperation she knew she 'd get , the telling-off .
16 Anyway , you can see I feel confused about it still , because I could n't face the flak from your friends .
17 ‘ He could n't face the harsh , cold reality of telling his wife and children that the good life was over , that his days of living in lovely Rancho Santa Fe were numbered , ’ said the source .
18 I could n't face the embarrassment , and anyway I lack the courage .
19 ‘ He told me he could n't face the prospect of another divorce , which I understood because my parents split up a few years ago and it was very distressing , ’ she said .
20 It transpired that her family had moved to Tala-Tala and she could n't face the daily ten miles on foot .
21 She 'd gone in first thing but could n't face the idea of working .
22 Dexter knew it was tempting to ask Lancaster whether he was lying and that he really meant that he could n't face the idea of seeing his wife again , a wife he had murdered and left a bloody corpse on the floor downstairs only a few minutes before .
23 Could Eddie have run out of that corner deliberately because he could n't face the consequences of his gambling ?
24 She knew she was handling this badly , acting like a fool , making a scene because she could n't face the pretence , could n't face having to stifle her feelings , her crazy and immature hopes — hopes that would always be doomed to failure where a man like Luke Denner was concerned .
25 ‘ I could n't face the noise , ’ she explained .
26 You could n't face the thought of a handicapped wife so you hightailed it off the scene and out of her life .
27 ‘ It was probably because he was a doctor that he could n't face the future — he knew what to expect , ’ said Rachel bitterly , then as she caught sight of her mother 's expression she said hurriedly , ‘ Oh , I 'm not making excuses for him , I 'm just stating a fact . ’
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