Example sentences of "could have been saved " in BNC.

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1 Certainly , an enormous amount of unproductive work could have been saved if phenomenological analyses were first performed to ‘ see ’ if this supposed psychological state actually existed … ( p. 1236 ) .
2 We felt this was a particularly provocative stance considering much of the cost could have been saved had action been taken earlier .
3 These are often animals not seen by the vet for years , who could have been saved , if seen earlier .
4 Two men had escaped the inrush but had been trapped in a long section of roadway ; they had lived together in the pitch dark and freezing cold for about 8 days , until overcome by poisonous gas ; there was no way in which they could have been saved in time had their position been known .
5 Even then he could have been saved , so the story goes , if the giantess Thokk had agreed to shed life-giving tears for him , but for unspecified reasons she refused .
6 There was medical evidence that her life could have been saved had she arrived at hospital earlier .
7 He remained convinced that if he could have spent ten hours a day working on Event , ‘ wining and dining advertisers and so on ’ , the magazine could have been saved .
8 Jamie could have been saved if someone had done this .
9 And the court was told that the victim 's ear could have been saved — but he failed to take it with him to the hospital .
10 Yesterday Mrs Justice Ebsworth , sitting at Teesside Crown Court , was told the life of the child could have been saved if doctors had monitored the foetus ' heartbeat after Mrs Busuttil , then 26 , was admitted into Middlesbrough 's Parkside Hospital in 1984 because her general practitioner detected irregularities .
11 A leading surgeon told the inquiry that Martin Robinson , 25 , could have been saved if he had been rushed to a neurosurgical hospital after complaining of severe headaches .
12 Asik became angry as he thought of all the people in his village who could have been saved by the fruit in the lorry which had just passed him , throwing up bucketfuls of dust into his face .
13 In not taking this step seven years or five years ago , this country could have been saved a great deal of suffering .
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