Example sentences of "when [pron] come round " in BNC.

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1 but they 're not in control of their body , so you must watch them , talk to them and if , if you can walk along the road with them , talking to them now the , there is the other type where you get the aura , they know they 're going to have a fit , so if somebody at your work place comes along and says to you I 'm gon na have a fit in five minutes , I mean do n't laugh at them and think ha ha , take them to a room where they 're safe and this applies to all epileptic fits , they 've got to be safe , so you 're going to clear a room of any danger , they 're laying down on the floor theirself because they 've got time they know they 're going to have this fit , if they 've got something to put in their mouth alright they will put it in their mouths themselves and once again they 've got five minutes to do it in and then that person will go through their fit , you stay with them , you comply by their wishes , if they say to you right , well just leave me when I come round I , do n't touch me I 'll be alright , they know , so you , you comply by their wish wishes , erm but only go in when you feel it is necessary , if they say right , erm I , I should regain consciousness in ten minutes and they have n't , you 're there , you stay there in case make sure they 're safe , there 's nothing there that can hurt them , then they 'll probably get up at the end of the fit and erm go into a room for a rest and say thank you very much and er , erm that 's it .
2 Yes I want to go in , oh when I come round I need a contract signed I also need an order with this wording on it .
3 You must tell them on the phone after telling them the price and what it 's all about you say , Right when I come round tomorr er whenever to er strike up the deal with you I want the contract signed I need a thirty five percent of the first year 's payment as a deposit cheque .
4 When I come round I need them both there .
5 just an example , now when I come round and tap you , I want you to make your sound and will you keep on making that sound repeatedly until I clap like that and tell you to stop , okay , so if I tap you
6 But once again on the phone you have to tell them that 's what you want to discuss when you come round .
7 When you come round she said , her mum .
8 Och he knows you 're in safe hands like when you come round here .
9 When they come round at work and says this car blocked in I say oh go and ask Stuart he 'll probably know .
10 When they come round , er
11 unlike Kelly and David when they come round , they just walk in , you know
12 Cos when he come round I ai n't looking at him .
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