Example sentences of "can [not/n't] [be] excluded " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But given the nature of his activities it can not be excluded that this was a political attack . ’
2 Clean air is an example of non-excludability : if some people incur costs to avoid pollution , those who do not pay can not be excluded from the benefits .
3 Gonorrhoea can not be excluded in the female unless the rectum has been examined , and for this purpose a proctoscope , somewhat smaller than the vaginal speculum , is passed into the rectum so that samples can be taken for microscopy and culture .
4 The fruits of such conduct can not be excluded .
5 Such organic-rich shales are likely to constitute a much more widespread potential source for hydrocarbons — probably mainly for gas and condensate — than the coals of the deltas which are restricted to the northern part of the region , although the possibility that isolated intermontane coal basins may have developed further south in the later Carboniferous can not be excluded .
6 It allowed , for instance , a little chat between Mrs Thatcher and a BBC reporter , the main purpose of which escaped me , unless it was to show that that lady can not be excluded from anything .
7 To a mind delighting in tactics and devices , grief is not a familiar factor , but it can not be excluded from any man 's calculations .
8 We presume that the behaviour depends on subcortical pathways involving the superior colliculus , although given the early abnormalities of these brains , anomalous projections to the hemisphere ipsilateral to the stimulus can not be excluded .
9 Nevertheless , there remains a high risk of fetal damage in offspring of women with the disease , and the possibility that the diets themselves may be harmful can not be excluded .
10 However , a β type error can not be excluded in this study because the prestudy assumption was that microalbuminuria progression was exclusively pressure dependent .
11 No information was available on placental size or other indicators of in utero nutrition , and subnormal prenatal nutrition of those who subsequently became diabetic can not be excluded .
12 Under the heading ‘ Social changes ’ the chapter says , in brief , that the deferential society is dead ; and that ‘ the coming of age of democracy in our society is a process that inevitably affects the whole of people 's lives ; it can not be excluded from the workplace . ’
13 Self selection bias — for example , because of better informed and motivated patients seeking advice from specialist clinics — can not be excluded from this study .
14 We found that the X-box binding activities exhibited by Raji , RJ2.2.5 and AR have the same electrophoretic and chromatographic properties and all contain Jun/Fos or antigenically related proteins ( Fig. 3–4 ) ; therefore they seem to differ only quantitatively , although differences in their composition , not detectable by our approach , can not be excluded .
15 Our results demonstrate that the clusters of basic amino acids are more important than the zinc fingers for the interactions of NC protein with DNA in vitro , although a role for the zinc fingers in specificity of interaction or in facilitating its many functions can not be excluded .
16 Remarkably , both factors appeared as a double band in the acrylamide gels , suggesting some kind of post-translational modification , although the existence of two different factors binding to the same sequence can not be excluded .
17 Thus , according to Russell , since the possibility of a recurrence of the same " complexes of compresence " can not be excluded ( there is no equivalent of Leibniz 's principle of sufficient reason to ensure their numerical uniqueness ) we must accept that propositions about order in time , such as " If A precedes B , B does not precede A " , " If A is before B and B is before C , then A is before C " , etc. are merely empirical propositions and not inviolable a priori truths .
18 Thus , Russell argues , although it may make good empirical sense to say that a " complete complex of compresence ( a given " particular " can not be " to the north of itself " , " above itself " , etc. , these situations can not be excluded on a priori grounds .
19 Furthermore , although ‘ planned ’ convergence arising out of favourable political conditions in individual countries can not be excluded as a possibility , the economic costs inherent in any such operation are likely to be increased considerably in Latin America because of the formidable physical barriers to communications and trade with the Soviet Union .
20 It can not be excluded from regional security arrangements if stability is to be achieved in oil flows from Gulf oil producers .
21 Although it seems highly probable that sea level changes have been similar over very large areas of the earth 's surface , the possibility of local terraces of different dates due to other causes can not be excluded .
22 Lack of robustness of the findings may be due to the relatively few numbers of still births in the interval classes and to other data problems , though the intervention of determinants that mediate the effect of birth interval , or some other factor can not be excluded either .
23 Civil liability under the Act can not be excluded or restricted by any exemption clause .
24 The Consumer Protection Act itself provides , in sections 7 and 41(4) , that such liability can not be excluded or limited .
25 Thirdly , he may be able to establish a claim for product liability under the Consumer Protection Act 1987 — such liability can not be excluded ( paragraph 9–06 above ) .
26 Thus , liability for death or personal injury arising from such a breach of contract can not be excluded or restricted at all ; liability for other loss or injury arising from such a breach can be excluded only in so far as the exclusion clause satisfies the requirement of reasonableness , Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 , section 2 ( see paragraph 10–24 above ) .
27 Because it is a public good , person 2 can not be excluded from consuming the output Q which person 1 has commissioned .
28 The problem arises because the inventor can not privately appropriate the benefits since imitators can not be excluded .
29 A further dimension to the externality problem concerns goods which yield external benefits from which people enjoying them can not be excluded .
30 Everybody living in a country obtains the benefits ( or disbenefits in the case of pacifists ) of national defence and can not be excluded from them .
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