Example sentences of "can [adv] conclude [conj] " in BNC.

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1 From the only letter which survives written by William Springett , one can only conclude that he was a rather unpleasant man .
2 As she seems to have stayed on the island for only three weeks , however , being moved back to Stirling when the English army left Scotland at the end of September , we can only conclude that these are testimony not to Mary as an infant prodigy , but to her fascination as a source of romance and legend .
3 One can only conclude that the story about the two-way radios is entirely false .
4 We can only conclude that it was chiefly in the enthusiasm with which the British talked about it all .
5 One can only conclude that we are presented here with a deliberately unpoetical poem , an assault upon the cultivated reader 's exquisite sensibility .
6 If this view is correct , I can only conclude that I was saddled with both sets of anxieties and , in addition , that there are more and more adolescent girls today who are finding themselves in the same position .
7 From this whole picture of ignorance and inactivity , and of continuing dissent even where there was knowledge , we can only conclude that legislative acts were commonly accepted , even by those responsible for them , as expressions of hope or at best long-term intention , rather than as strictly enforceable legislative acts .
8 After these two letters , we hear no more of Osbern , and we can only conclude that he died soon after Anselm 's consecration .
9 Well , we have our own gifts , but the presentation of food is not one of them , and since French cooks and food purveyors so often appear to lose the lightness of their touch in this respect when they leave their native land and settle abroad , one can only conclude that the special stimulant which brings these gifts into flower is in the air of France itself .
10 At type II promoters we can only conclude that the precise nature of the interactions between CRP and the truncated and wild-type polymerases , and their role in the activation mechanism , remain to be determined but that the C-terminal part of the α-subunit of RNA polymerase is not involved in this process .
11 They can only conclude that ‘ Either badgers waste energy with the continued digging or very large burrows confer an advantage that has so far eluded us . ’
12 I make the observation that given the Opposition 's effort to determine the Government 's view two or three years from now , I can only conclude that Opposition Members expect us to be in government after the next general election .
13 One can only conclude that the bare and to infinitives are anything but meaningless contextual variants .
14 We can thus conclude that the ε-ζ values of roughly -30° observed for these steps in the dodecamer conformation clearly belong to the B I family .
15 However , one can not conclude that the committees have a sufficiently important role either :
16 Guy ( 1980 ) has concluded from his study of final stop deletion that the individual follows the group norm very closely ; but since we know that scores for different linguistic variables are not distributed within or between groups in a comparable way , we can not conclude that all variables will behave in the same way as the syllable-final alveolar stop .
17 Given the observations about the importance of methodology , study design and case definition noted above we can probably conclude that there is no one single ‘ true ’ estimate of dementia .
18 Therefore we can probably conclude that conditions ( 3 ) and ( 4 ) or some close equivalent , are in fact necessary .
19 We can surely conclude that if you know that you are sitting reading , you know that you are not a brain in a vat , and hence ( by simple modus tollens ) that since you do n't know that you are not a brain in a vat ( agreed above ) you do n't know that you are sitting reading .
20 Two additional criteria need to be satisfied before we can definitely conclude that expectations are being formed rationally .
21 One can therefore conclude that there is a sense of unity throughout the catholic — nationalist population as a whole , though one in which certain groups , namely farming interests and the church , at both clerical and popular levels , have strategically dominated , at least until recently .
22 We can therefore conclude that in these societies a different system of exchange or barter was used for basic daily transactions .
23 We can therefore conclude that the ideas of Marx and Weber can , for our purposes , be partly combined to produce a three-class model of contemporary capitalist societies .
24 This test precisely locates the form responsible for a given meaning , and at the same time ensures that its role is that of a semantic constituent ; from 6 we can therefore conclude that cat is a semantic constituent of The cat sat on the mat .
25 If they are , then we can safely conclude that what is true of this group is also true of others .
26 When newspapers start to report falls in Labour 's opinion-poll lead to 15% as a setback and Conservatives claim as a triumph Labour 's best-ever local-government result , we can safely conclude that the political landscape in Britain has changed .
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