Example sentences of "will pick [adv prt] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In the main event the winners will pick up a cheque for £ while the runners-up will receive £250 .
2 Temperatures overnight will fall to 7 Celsius , 45 Fahrenheit , so remaining reasonably mild , although the winds will pick up a little later .
3 Aids will pick up every sound around , not just speech , so that the wearer will have a constant wash of muddled noise in his or her ear — not very comfortable !
4 On Friday , Mrs Grant will pick up the 1989 Captain of Industry award from the Livingstone Industrial and Commercial Association .
5 Pay-as-you-go means that today s contributors pay for the pension of today 's retired people — on the basis that the next generation will pick up the bill for today 's contributors when they retire .
6 SERPS consists of no more than a promise that future generations will pick up the bill .
7 There is a growing , often unstated , anticipation that the private sector will pick up the bill for public services .
8 The antenna that will pick up the signals is a 12-metre dish built in the US and specially erected at the Rutherford and Appleton Laboratory at Chilton .
9 One man collects the stakes , never getting more than one stake ahead of the man who will pick up the net .
10 With the huge funds we shall place at its disposal the next problem Gorbachev will face is the collapse of his empire — and we will pick up the pieces … ’
11 So now he is gone , who will pick up the mantle ?
12 The reality has been that our core funding , like that of so many other bodies , has been progressively reduced , by City Hall in our case , and we are constantly threatened with having our funding removed entirely , the premise being that BAT will pick up the bill .
13 Sadly Mr 's proposal fell on a technicality , but I think he put his finger on something which I felt the assembly was , was responding to , that we are not finished with this issue and although it fell on a technicality about money , perhaps without making any addendums and motions we might er refuse this addendum and keep our minds on the baptism issue and hope that the Board of Practice and Procedure and the panel on doctrine will pick up the substance and the , the essence of what Mr was asking for and pursue this matter until as a church we can get it sorted out to the satisfaction of all the groups within the church .
14 The task of ordering the Church 's worship is too awesome to be left to chance , either in the hope that the person responsible for it will pick up the necessary skills or in the belief that it can be done by anyone .
15 Given the huge disparities which are of such enormous benefit to those at the top of the scale , who will pick up the bill ?
16 I do not believe that we ever said to anyone in geriatric care or anyone who entered a home for any other reason , ’ Do n't worry — social security will pick up the bill , however reasonable or however high . ’
17 Erm we will pay we will pick up the tab for your hotel .
18 In addition , my company will pick up the tab for all legal and moving expenses .
19 If that involves an overnight stay the scheme will pick up the bill for accommodation .
20 If the equipment is damaged it is unclear who will pick up the bill for its repair or replacement .
21 eleven forty six , he 's got them inside , I think I told you about this did n't I ? , and I was inside helping them out like , he was outside , he did n't have his gas mask , we were doing the things , like M B C stuff , and I 'm inside and he said right you will each go to a post , where inside this tent , each to go to er , erm , cos there was six people inside and like there was six posts , he said you each got to a post inside the tent and on the you will pick up the tent , and I new what was coming , done it before sort of thing and erm , were all in M B C stuff cos there 's still lots of gas , but there was n't for very long , and he said right on the you will , er he just said , we picked it up right , were all fucking all fucking I said go on then ,
22 If you 're not doing it like that and you 're in a conversation or atmosphere in the room , when I find it , this little gadget is wonderful , this will pick up for a long way , this will pick up the dogs next door , if there was no other noise in this room .
23 It 's the expensive side of medicine , you see , that the public will pick up the bill for , so you 've got to try and have a balance between these things .
24 Always read your press releases through very carefully , possibly get somebody else to read them through , because they will pick up the spelling mistakes , the grammatical mistakes , the punctuation errors , and they will see , when they get to the end , and say , ‘ But you have n't told us when it is . ’
25 It 's more difficult to capture the interest of TV and radio but they will pick up an unusual event or a visit to the school by a celebrity .
26 Between them they will pick up an aggregate £1.9m to cover early termination of their service agreements .
27 Erm because the report is er quite a long report mainly the er part of the report erm I will pick out the most important comments and if I could take the first part of the report first erm this concerns a new staffing structure between er , newly emerged welfare rights and advice service .
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