Example sentences of "been promised [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Keegan has even been promised a taxi ride anywhere he wants if his players deliver the goods .
2 It would n't matter if you 'd been promised a king 's ransom if you achieved a lucky jump to the scorpion .
3 We have been promised a grant of £1,000 from the Village Association , and a further long-term loan from them of £1,000 .
4 She feared John might not be at home but he was , and was very excited because he had been promised a job .
5 Government or Grand Met : whose fault , asks licensee Publicans in Darlington whose livelihoods are threatened by massive rent increases have been promised a meeting with the property company owning their pubs .
6 For the past 10 years , my constituency has been promised a hospital , but no progress has been made .
7 The bruiser would n't have been promised a reward of twenty quid otherwise .
8 We have been promised a visit to another great showpiece in Peking — the Summer Palace built by the Dowager Empress last century from money she misappropriated from the naval funds ( so they tell us ) .
9 The dragon-ships had been promised no opposition .
10 The beach had been promised the night before , but rain had obliged an alternative treat .
11 In the long term , the Prado has also been promised the building now occupied by the Army Museum — one of the last remnants of the 17th-century Palace of El Buen Retiro , whose artist in residence , fittingly enough , was Velazquez .
12 The company has been promised the contract if Sizewell gets the go-ahead .
13 Alcatel spokesman John Highhams confirmed last night his company had been promised the contract if the project was given the green light in the Chancellor 's Autumn statement .
14 having been promised the imagination .
15 Parents have been promised the right to stay in hospital with their sick children at all times .
16 Parents have been promised the right to stay in hospital with their sick children at all times .
17 ( Since then I have been in touch with Texas four times and been promised an answer for which I am still waiting after nearly two years ) .
18 Dora had asked about sporting facilities in the region and been promised an interview with the manager of a leisure complex in Alès ; Rose , who belonged to an amateur drama group in Carshalton , was to meet the director of a forthcoming performance of ‘ son et lumière ’ whose office was in Anduze .
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