Example sentences of "been [vb pp] following the " in BNC.

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1 Prime Minister Guy Razanamasy announced on Oct. 16 that the Chief of the Armed Forces General Staff and the Commander of the Development Forces of the army had been dismissed following the late delivery of fuel to the capital .
2 On Jan. 14 the US State Department announced that Iraq 's ambassador to the USA , Mohammed Sadiq al-Mashat , had been recalled following the expulsion of a number of Iraqi diplomats on Jan. 12 .
3 The left also has to draw itself out of the mire into which it has been plunged following the 1960s renaissance of Marxist ideas in the Labour movement .
4 At Dovey Junction a new stand-up only passenger shelter has been erected following the demolition of the old buildings .
5 Note that the law relating to the last of these excuses , concerning distance to school from home and transport arrangements , has been amended following the decision of the House of Lords in Rogers v Essex County Council ( 1986 ) .
6 Paper pulp processes have also been modified following the discovery in the mid 1980s in the US of dioxins in the sludge and effluent from paper mills .
7 The Iran-US claims tribunal at the International Court of Justice at The Hague ruled on May 6 that Iran was entitled to receive compensation from the USA for non-military assets in the USA which had been frozen following the 1979 seizure of the US embassy in Tehran .
8 On May 4 President Najibullah lifted the national state of emergency which had first been imposed following the Soviet troop withdrawal in February 1989 [ see p. 36449 ; for extension of state of emergency in May and November see pp. 36656 ; 37043 ] .
9 It has been a difficult day for the Queen and tonight she 's been snubbed following the decision by the municipality of Limassol not to present her with the keys to the town .
10 A ward at Guy 's Hospital in London has been closed following the deaths of two babies who may have been infected by a bug there .
11 THE voice of the Protestant people on Londonderry 's West Bank has been muted following the shock defeat of Independent Unionist councillor David Davis .
12 A number of people have been interveiwed following the original complaint , in an investigation which has covered Gloucestershire , the east Midlands and the South Coast .
13 A range of such payments has been introduced following the inclusion of an element for this purpose in successive academic and academic-related salary settlements ( e.g. more extensive promotion exercises , distinction awards for professors , other payments for readers and lecturers , and super-scale payments for academic-related staff ) .
14 They were led by Capt. Pascal Tawes , former deputy commander of the Presidential Guard , who had been arrested following the firing of gunshots around the presidential palace on May 27 .
15 This accusation prompted the resignation on Aug. 30 of acting Interior Minister Stoyan Stoyanov , who had been appointed following the resignation on July 27 of Atanas Semerdzhiev [ see p. 37619 ] .
16 Both bodies were thrown into the shark-infested sea and many wounds could have been caused following the women 's deaths .
17 The ANC said that discussions with the government , which had been resumed following the intervention of UN envoy Vance [ see p. 38991 ] , had proved " fruitless " because there had been " no visible movement " from the government in terms of meeting the ANC 's core demands [ see p. 38948 ] .
18 All four had been cashiered following the overthrow of former President Moussa Traore on March 26 .
19 ‘ Buyers are beginning to take advantage of the large number of attractive fixed rate mortgage products which have been announced following the reduction of base rates in late January . ’
20 A preliminary draft of a charter on the environmental rights of developing nations has been issued following the third set of negotiations in preparation for the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development ( UNCED ) .
21 A warning has been issued following the discovery of fake £1 coins in Hartlepool .
22 A warning has been issued following the theft of 24 potentially lethal detonators from British Rail premises in Hartlepool .
23 Since President Ali Mahdi Mohammed was from the United Somali Congress ( USC ) , the two posts of Vice-president ( which had been created following the July talks between Somali groups in Djibouti — see pp. 38322-23 ) were now filled by Abdel Qadir Mohammed Rebeh and Umar Ma'alim Mohammed , representing the Somali Patriotic Movement ( SPM ) and the Somali Democratic Movement ( SDM ) .
24 First initialled on June 8 , the agreement had been suspended following the mid-June violence in Bucharest [ see pp. 37544-45 ] .
25 The Wessex helicopter has been suspended following the crash three weeks ago in which three teenage cadets were killed .
26 Now flights by the Wessex have been suspended following the discover of a mysterious metal fault in the aircraft 's tail drive shaft furing tests by the RAF .
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