Example sentences of "which culminated [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 What precipitated the final crisis with Penda and the attack on Oswiu which culminated at the Winwaed on 15 November in 655 or 656 is obscure but Penda was almost certainly the primary moving force , the centre of a coalition which included Cadafael , king of Gwynedd ( HB ch. 65 ) , Aethelhere , king of the eastern Angles , and Oethelwald , king of the Deirans ( HE 111 , 24 ) .
2 Under Sir Edward 's tutelage , he was closely involved in the Sino-British negotiations which culminated in the agreement to transfer Hong Kong in 1997 .
3 Being wilfully deaf and blind these last 25 years , she would have missed the debates and riots which culminated in the Race Relations Acts and in institutions such as the Commission for Racial Equality .
4 Nuns have been prominent in all the large demonstrations which culminated in the March 5 to March 7 demonstration this year and the imposition of martial law .
5 The power and scope of the work , its technical variety and virtuosity , confirmed his pre-eminent position amongst the writers of the day , bringing a succession of honours which culminated in the Order of Merit , and , his particular favourite , the Freedom of Dorchester in 1910 .
6 The retreat from the principles of the 1977 White Paper occurred in the context of the economic crisis of the 1970s , which culminated in the 1976 resort to the International Monetary fund .
7 This period saw the development of the ‘ test ’ phenomenon , which culminated in the test boom of the 1920 to 1930 period .
8 Meanwhile Kent and Nord-Pas-de-Calais were consolidating their relationship with regular meetings at member and officer level which culminated in the protocole d'accord , or draft treaty , signed at Leeds Castle on April 24 1987 .
9 He first met Ms Margaret Maughan , a person and ‘ lifelong fan ’ , in 1967 and they embarked upon ‘ an eight-year affair ’ which culminated in the birth in 1976 of one ‘ James ’ whom Mr Milligan ‘ has never met ’ even though he is said to have ‘ admitted ’ to newspaper reporters : ‘ It 's all true .
10 Agitated by the fear that the rebellious Irish , with their own parliament , might have allowed Ireland to be used as a back door into Britain by the acquisitive Napoleon , the government in London embarked upon a course of pressure which culminated in the felo de se of Grattan 's Parliament in the union legislation of 1800 .
11 This report , which culminated in the 1967 Sexual Offences Act , also gave rise to a two-part ‘ Man Alive ’ feature called ‘ Consenting Adults ’ ( BBC ) , which dealt in separate weeks with men and women .
12 Against this background there emerged in the 1620s a new series of troubles in this ‘ quiet commonwealth ’ , the religious and social disagreements which culminated in the Civil Wars of the 1640s .
13 Like all left-wingers , Lowe loathed Wilson , who had been elected in 1974 on the back of the wave of industrial militancy which culminated in the miners ' strike of that year .
14 According to some of its Washington hosts , notably Republicans then in power , the development of a classical style led to an uninterrupted two millennia of democracy which culminated in the collapse of the Berlin Wall , a political subtext to the exhibition which the Met has jettisoned entirely .
15 Frederick 's rejection of this sensible advice and subsequent acceptance of the Bohemian crown sparked off a series of events which culminated in the Thirty Years ' War .
16 Piston-engined trainers were also still being produced during this time , including the Yak–18 series which culminated in the Yak–18T , an example of which is on display .
17 Three major causes account for the ensuing periods of upheaval which culminated in the establishment of a less formal relationship between the press and the political parties in the late 20th century :
18 Similarly , although the ethnography of British rather than colonial life is only a recent development within academic sociology , the discipline having been associated with the statistical method from its earliest beginnings ( Abrams 1968 ) , there has been , for over a century , a major tradition of such work by novelists , journalists and social reformers ( Keating 1976 ) ; a tradition which culminated in the work of Orwell , perhaps the most influential British social analyst of this century .
19 The mercenary captain John of Hainault brought a force of 500 men-at-arms from the Low Countries , and at York they became involved in a violent affray with a band of archers from Lincolnshire , which culminated in the deaths of a sizeable number of the Lincolnshire men .
20 Peter also greatly increased the subventions paid out of church revenue towards the needs of the State , a process which culminated in the secularization of church property in the 1760s .
21 1991 saw the first time that the Open School was able to run a summer holiday programme which culminated in the performance of dance , music and drama work done by the children .
22 In the preparatory work of the International Law Commission which culminated in the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties there was much debate over the inclusion and wording of any exceptions to the pacta tertiis rule .
23 The increasing professionalism of the architect , which culminated in the foundation of their Institute in 1834 , only confirmed the divorce , already apparent in the Regency , between the style of a building and its function .
24 So Kimon 's campaigns , which culminated in the victory over Persia at the River Eurymedon in Pamphylia , show continuity not just with Miltiades the enemy of Persia but with Miltiades the founder of an overseas Athenian Empire .
25 That is not a complete explanation for Athens ' continuing preoccupation with Sicily , which culminated in the great expedition of 415 , but may be relevant to the first contacts .
26 Firstly , was that refusal to consent which was maintained throughout that period which culminated in the Caesarean section a valid refusal of blood transfusions at the time it was expressed .
27 North and east friezes of the Siphnian treasury stand at the beginning of the late archaic movement which culminated in the classical revolution .
28 The earliest recorded work of these artists is in the shrine of These us , built or rebuilt by Cimon after he brought back the hero 's bones from Skyros in 473 ; and there is a detailed description by Pausanias of Polygnotos 's two murals in a lesche ( clubhouse ) dedicated at Delphi by the people of Knidos , perhaps after the liberation of the Asia Minor Greeks from Persia in Cimon 's campaigns , which culminated in the victory at the Eurymedon in 468 .
29 Poverty among older women in Britain has endured to the present day , despite the significant political commitment given to pensions in the 1970s , which culminated in the legislation in 1975 introducing the state earnings-related pension ( SERP ) scheme and in the series of pledges to uprate pensions in line with earnings or prices whichever was the greater ( Walker , 1985a ) , policies which did result in some improvement in the relative position of older people in the national income distribution ( see below ) .
30 There was a remarkable output of scientific and philosophical writing , which culminated in the renowned Rudjer Bošković ( 1711–87 ) , an all-round scientist who had a European reputation for his writings on optics , physics , mechanics , astronomy , mathematics and philosophy .
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