Example sentences of "which existed [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 In another influential book Michael Harrington calculated there were between forty and fifty million American poor , the ‘ invisible ’ third of the nation which existed below the subsistence line in urban ghettos and pockets of rural misery , which he christened ‘ The Other America ’ .
2 This is a considerable contrast with the prevailing tenor of the relationship between ‘ master and man ’ which existed on the land when labour was more numerous .
3 The accounts for the first year indicated quite clearly the recognition of the social divisions which existed at the time .
4 It is , in fact , a diversion of resources away from the priorities which existed at the end of 1988 which were to develop the management accounting skills of the NHS : particularly to promote the better use of resources through the RMI .
5 The educational regimes apparent in early asylums pay tribute to the humanitarian spirit which existed at the time .
6 He thought about the decadence which existed at the centre of the Empire .
7 Baroness Hooper 's letter stated that help with NHS charges for students were based on an individual assessment of ability to pay and on circumstances which existed at the time a claim was made .
8 According to them , any unemployment which existed at the wage rate ( W/P ) 1 must be due to frictions or restrictive practices in the economy or must be voluntary .
9 An attached shed to the south of the barn was demolished , and the architect , Timothy Bruce-Dick , decided to infill the gap between the barn and a range of cow-houses which existed to the north with a two-storey structure which would act as a covered link to this northern wing and provide a playroom over garages ( Fig 38 and Plate 4 ) .
10 In this regard the difficulties of interpretation which existed under the old bankruptcy rules have been cured by the unambiguous terms of rule 12.12 of the Insolvency Rules 1986 :
11 I should like to make it clear that the provisions of the Government Bill will provide householders with the same level of protection as that which existed under the private Bill , and they are set out fully in schedule 7 .
12 These differences are in turn related to variations in economic and socio-political conditions which existed during the unions ' formative period and in their subsequent historical development .
13 None the less , even in the climate of intense religious controversy which existed during the civil war and Interregnum , this moderate strain survived .
14 But one also sees in the adoption of Havard the vivid contrast which existed between the clubbable Lewis liked by his friends and the figure he presented on the domestic scene .
15 First , the philosophical source from which citizenship emerged needs to be recognized , as does the relationship which existed between the philosophy and New Liberalism .
16 Most of their policies were also new , and the differences between the two successive Labour Councils were probably greater than those which existed between the previous Labour Council and their Conservative opposition prior to 1982 .
17 In a biography about the former England captain about to be published , the rift which existed between the pair for the final 15 months of Lineker 's international career is at last revealed .
18 Over the 1950s , for example , large amounts of US capital were invested in Britain because of the wide productivity gap which existed between the economies .
19 The incident which gave rise to the charge is indicative of the high , and often explosive , tension which existed between the NSFU and breakaway BSU men in Glasgow .
20 Nevertheless , some of the tension which existed between the police and black communities in the 1960s appears to have been relieved by an increase in the number of elected black politicians and their moderating influence on police policy : ‘ The growth of elected and appointed black people in the political system means that racialist and violent police behaviour comes to be more and more criticised and highlighted ’ ( Kilson , 1987:59 ) .
21 On Merseyside the ore at some stage probably entered into that unexpected and unusual relationship which existed between the soda , salt , glass , soap , and chemical industries .
22 Some of these animals were and are big : one species which existed around the time of the catastrophe was 15 m ( 50 ft ) long .
23 This last was exacerbated by the overcrowding which existed in the old , foetid and disease-ridden central area , where cholera made sudden savage attacks and typhoid was endemic .
24 The three hundred or so grammar schools which existed in the late Middle Ages were mostly local and small .
25 Have people lost a clearer ‘ sense of obligation ’ to assist their kin which existed in the past ?
26 ( S. ) 521 ) This was a premeditated attack instituted because of a financial grievance which existed in the mind of the attacker .
27 The poverty of the farm worker today is obviously very different from that which existed in the countryside in Victorian times , but the majority of farm workers are poor by the standards which we have come to expect in modern Britain .
28 Having massively increased in numbers and importance since 1939 , the armed services quickly came to fill the vacuum which existed in the political system as the United States strove to find its post-war role in world politics .
29 Lees ( 1962 ) drew attention to a noticeable gap which existed in the instrumentation for examination of transparent thin sections or surface replicas such as peels , particularly with sizes larger than a standard thin section .
30 Reviewing recent historiography of the Reformation , Christopher Haigh has pointed out the constantly shifting conflicts between factions which existed in the English court between 1527 and 1553 .
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