Example sentences of "an expedition to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Hashim Ciftci told the Today newspaper that he shot cameraman Nick della Casa and his assistant Charles Maxwell after they hired him to guide them on an expedition to film fighting between the Iraqi army and Kurdish rebels in the mountains of northern Iraq .
2 ‘ I 'm going on an expedition to Borneo , ’ she said .
3 David Livingstone , a geography master at Rugby who led an expedition to Borneo , said : ‘ It was a memorable trip which will give the pupils tremendous confidence in the way they tackle travel as adults .
4 This was followed by the scientific report of an expedition to Barra organised by the Biological Society of the University of Edinburgh ( Forrest et al. , 1936 ) , which included an account of the vegetation ( Watson & Barlow , 1936 ) .
5 This was probably John Sebastian 's son , John Frederick , who followed the profession and accompanied Joseph Banks on an expedition to Iceland in 1772 .
6 He then spent two years in Newfoundland ( 1873–4 ) investigating mineral resources , and joined an expedition to Arabia in 1874 .
7 After the war , Swainson went on an expedition to South America , to Brazil ; but unlike Humboldt or Darwin , he brought little home , having been confined to the coast by a war .
8 In 1355 an expedition to Normandy led by the king proved unavailing , but in the next year the French forces were crushed at Poitiers and their king , John , was captured .
9 While on an expedition to Scotland King Æthelstan visited the shrine of the great northern saint Cuthbert at Chester-le-Street , and gave royal gifts ( regia munera ) .
10 The German marine scientist Victor Hensen ( 1835–1924 ) led an expedition to Greenland and the tropics in 1889 , which showed that — contrary to everyone 's expectations — the colder waters supported the greater quantity of life .
11 It was a very old tradition in the Isle of Lewis that every summer a party of stalwarts from Ness should make an expedition to Sula Sgeir .
12 While the preparations went ahead , Maria Teresa chattered about who was there and who was n't , of the rumours about the King 's plans to lead an expedition to Morocco and whether her brother would be chosen to accompany him as a gentleman adventurer .
13 ‘ Could you tell me first , ’ said Mahmoud , ‘ why you were making an expedition to Luxor ? ’
14 ‘ I was not making an expedition to Luxor .
15 Sent to Siberia CAMBRIDGE student Sally Ward , 18 , from Garthmyl , is teaming up with 80 Operation Raleigh International volunteers for an expedition to Lake Baikal , Siberia .
16 ‘ The Barbarous Cruelty inflicted on a Negro ’ , from John Gabriel Stedman , Curious Adventures of Captain Stedman , during an expedition to Surinam , in 1733 ( London , [ 1809 ? ] )
17 He continued with his plans for an expedition to Australia while Darwin was in the process of conceiving one of the most important discoveries in scientific history .
18 2 Johnny Dawes was the young British climber who recently took part in an expedition to Bhagirathi. 3 vauDe use Sympatex in the manufacture of the majority of their outdoor clothing .
19 Robert Strachan , wildlife biologist on an expedition to Peru to study nocturnal mammals , had a more painful encounter with Dermatobia hominis and its delivery-service mosquito .
20 Edward III 's intention was that the Black Prince 's campaign in Aquitaine should be accompanied by an expedition to Brittany under Lancaster and an invasion of Normandy led by Charles of Navarre , king of the small Pyrenean kingdom lying between Aquitaine and Castile .
21 There would be an expedition to Jamaica immediately .
22 Leila Williams ( a former beauty queen ) and Chris Trace were its virgin presenters , the show a seven-week experiment that caught on and gave the world John Noakes ' arse , the most famous shitting elephant ever , many an expedition to Ceylon , sticky-backed plastic , ‘ soldier dolls ’ , umpteen dogs , Sarah Greene ( cheers ) and a hell of a lot of jeeps paid for by old forks and ring-pulls .
23 If this means attributing to Athens an uncharacteristic desire for land empire , we should not hesitate to do so — Thucydides ( i. 111 ) after all records an expedition to Thessaly as well ; and if any individual was responsible it was surely Pericles , whom Aristotle ( Rhetoric 1407 ) quotes as saying that the Boiotians tended to ‘ cut each other down ’ — that is , they were weak because internally divided .
24 Soon after the Persian Wars , as we saw on p. 23 , King Leotychidas of Sparta led an expedition to Thessaly , and ended the tageia of the Aleuads ; at about the same time , Plutarch says , there was a Greek , perhaps a Spartan , fleet at Pagasai , whose strategic importance we have just noticed , and the Spartans tried to get control of the Amphictyony ( see p. 33 ; Plut .
25 In the summer of 1297 , the earl of Arundel may not have wished to accompany his king , Edward I , on an expedition to Flanders .
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