Example sentences of "as [pers pn] approached the " in BNC.

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1 Troops and supplies were crossing the Benouville bridge as I approached the café .
2 The café looked deserted as I approached the front door .
3 As I approached the trench he remarked , ‘ Jesus Christ , Piper !
4 As I approached the jeep he recognised me .
5 As I approached the house , I noticed that my parents ' bedroom light was still on .
6 As I approached the college the phrase from this passage : ‘ in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving ’ flashed through my mind .
7 This was not something upon which I wished to dwell , as I approached the narrowest section of the ridge .
8 As I approached the pool I saw the pug marks of the tigress in the soft earth at the edge of the water .
9 As I approached the base of the flake all appeared lost , as the only thing visible was the ground far below .
10 As I approached the bead curtain that hung in place of a door , I was aware of movement behind the strands of wood beads , a rhythmical rising and falling , murmuring , sighing .
11 As I approached the animal 's rear end he laid back his ears , whickered and began to caper around .
12 The moment passed and I slowed quickly , dropping to a trot as I approached the Bomb Circle , almost staggering into it , then flinging myself on to the sand inside to lie panting , heaving , gasping , staring at the grey sky and invisible drizzle , spread-eagled in the centre of the rocks .
13 I hesitated only for a moment as I approached the shop , then walked straight in .
14 As you approached the bazaar you passed their showcases , full of the flimsy and barbaric workmanship which the native Egyptians admired .
15 All her nervousness came back as she approached the post office just ahead of the mail van .
16 That she writes boldly to Artemisia concerning her frustration , and more timorously to Lucinda , suggests partly a lingering ambivalence over the choices she has made , and , more proximately , a nervousness as she approached the literary world .
17 As she approached the old mill , where the lane was bordered by the mill stream , she noticed a cyclist approaching her .
18 Her heart was beating much faster as she approached the railway station , she offered her 10s note to the booking clerk and received her return ticket to Wiltham which was the nearest station to Winstable Hall .
19 The sound of music met her as she approached the concourse where the escalators were .
20 The following afternoon , as she approached the laundry , she wondered what was in store ; and dread , mixed with more than a grain of excitement , gnawed at her innards .
21 Ahead , as she approached the edge of the floor beyond the freighters , several men converged on her .
22 Her bare feet made no sound on the polished wood floor as she approached the altar with her head bowed devoutly over her clasped hands .
23 She closed her eyes as the memory rushed back vividly into her mind again , and a feeling of panic rose through her at the thought that a fierce spark of that madness might be living on within her as she approached the middle of her life .
24 Pleased at her plan , she smiled as she approached the desk .
25 As she approached the back entrance to the place , Cleo reflected that , even if she 'd had the money , she would never want to live in a building like this .
26 She proved to be the Glisseuse , a rather shabby forty foot motor cruiser , difficult to see on Venturous ' radar , so that much of the time she had to be kept at visual distance , especially as she approached the busy traffic lanes of the Thames .
27 As she approached the front entrance , the door suddenly opened and Eleanor came out .
28 As she approached the formidable , although diminutive figure of Lady Usk , she had to fight to overcome the hollow throbbing in her chest .
29 As she approached the Princes Risborough turn-off , and the section of the road which cuts through high chalk cliffs , she changed the tape for a glorious version of Tosca .
30 ‘ How 's your mother , Nurse Avery ? ’ asked Sister Robinson , as she approached the nurses ' station where Juliet was studying Bobbie Cole 's test results .
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