Example sentences of "had appealed to the " in BNC.

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1 Young enthusiasts drove across the border to join the freedom fighters who had appealed to the world to help , but the world in general looked on in anguished impotence as the rebels were extinguished .
2 Despite early successes , the rebel armies could not withstand the intervention of Russian forces , for Francis Joseph had appealed to the Tsar for help .
3 The parents had appealed to the Secretary of State , but had been unsuccessful .
4 Although in 1962 he had appealed to the Government of Ireland Act , in 1963 he described it as a ‘ constitution of bondage ’ .
5 In the long term this was to have a marked effect , but the immediate result was to be Curteys 's deposition in 1580 , after the infuriated gentry had appealed to the Privy Council to stop his assaults on what they regarded as their own just rights .
6 Unstated was the belief that the American Central Intelligence Agency had a hand in the downfall and death of Lumumba who had appealed to the USSR , and thereby upset the United States and also Britain ( Macmillan wrote ‘ our long-term interests would best be served by … a Congo Government … largely depending on American rather than Russian aid and support ’ ) .
7 In that case of Appleford ( Appleford 's Case ( 1672 ) 1 Mod.Rep. 82 ) there was a mandamus brought , to restore him to his fellowship : it was returned , that by the statutes of the college , for misdemeanour they had a power to turn him out ; and that the Bishop of Winchester was visitor , and that he was turned out pro crimine enormi , and had appealed to the bishop , who confirmed the expulsion ; and the particular cause was not returned : I was of counsel for the college , and we omitted the cause in the return for that reason , because indeed it was not so true as it should have been .
8 The father was distraught ; he had appealed to the Prime Minister , had been to see the Foreign Secretary , he had been in fact everywhere , and finally asked Max Rayne whether he could come to see me .
9 In any event he came to see me and we discussed the matter , and I said exactly that to him : that if he had appealed to the Prime Minister and the Foreign Secretary , it seemed to me a very remote prospect that anything I could do would be of the slightest effect .
10 Suggestions of a split were denied , however , by the FMLN leadership , who claimed that the complete halting of the offensive was dependent upon the acceptance of a mediation role by the UN Secretary-General , Javier Pérez de Cuéllar , who had appealed to the guerrillas to show restraint .
11 Earlier , on Aug. 19 , a spokesman for the AIG had appealed to the leaders of the ( ultimately unsuccessful ) Soviet coup to " open a new chapter in the relations of the two countries by removing the puppet regime in Kabul " .
12 President Corazon Aquino had appealed to the Senate to ratify the agreement .
13 The Foreign Minister , Faris Buwayz , who was leading the Lebanese delegation at the Madrid peace talks [ see p. 38513 ; 38594 ] , had appealed to the USA to intervene , and a protest had been submitted to the UN Security Council .
14 The Moldovan leadership had claimed that the Soviet Army in the republic was supplying arms to " extremist elements " in Russian areas , and on Dec. 7 it had appealed to the UN for action .
15 Banks had appealed to the Supreme Court against the ruling [ see p. 38726 ] .
16 Earlier Mr Yeltsin had appealed to the 1,000-odd deputies to accept amendments to a hardline resolution and save the power-sharing compromise struck at the last Congress in December .
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