Example sentences of "had arrived [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 However , Schäuble said that any refugee who had arrived via a third country in which asylum could have been requested would be sent back , and that reciprocal expulsion arrangements with Poland and Czechoslovakia would be renegotiated to reduce the numbers of asylum-seekers .
2 The gangs had already been selected to work on the other three small coasters which had arrived over the past weekend .
3 They had arrived at a first floor landing .
4 For by now we had arrived at a big army hut by the side of the road .
5 It had not been shown that the Special Commissioner had misdirected himself or that he had erred in law or that he had arrived at a wholly insupportable conclusion .
6 Lamenting ‘ the feeling of morbid sympathy with criminals which at the present moment undoubtedly exists ’ , The Times ( 18 November 1856 ) had arrived at a sorry conclusion : ‘ Philanthropy , like crinoline , has become the fashion . ’
7 We had driven up a muddy track for ten miles and had arrived at a completely ruined farmhouse with no windows or doors , set into the slope of a mountain , looking over a marshy plain .
8 She wanted to say it was only a joke , about boiling oil , but they had arrived at a building with several steps leading up and told to get into single file so that their names could be checked at the door .
9 An authoritative Soviet study on the diplomacy of the developing states , prefaced by Firyubin a couple of years before his ASEAN tour , had arrived at a definition of neutralisation on the basis of declarations by the statesmen of Southeast Asia .
10 Rincewind did so , and watched the nervous Broadman , who had arrived at a gallop from some back room , lead the way up the wooden steps behind the bar .
11 They had arrived at a point opposite one corner of the house , but once they left the trees there was no more cover until they reached the broad belt of shrubbery which ran parallel to the side of the house .
12 Gould found he ‘ had arrived at a good time , the birds having just commenced breeding ’ , and was immediately off to resume his researches with Natty and Jemmy in the cedar brushes of the Liverpool Range and on the nearby stretches of the Dart Brook .
13 It was the first time the monarch had ever used a Thames passenger ferry — and one of the few occasions when she had arrived at an official engagement by public transport in the UK .
14 I had arrived at the bus stop two hours early .
15 By early Tuesday afternoon , however , pro-Noriega forces had arrived at the military command headquarters , where General Noriega was apparently being held , and the rebels surrendered .
16 A host of angry letters from women over thirty who thought themselves beautiful had arrived at the office .
17 Indeed , when the party had arrived at the bleak airport in Tehran in the middle of Ramadan , hoping to find a government delegation of equal weight , nobody was there to meet them .
18 She spoke to reporters from a ‘ secret location ’ at the weekend , describing how Mrs Mandela had arrived at the house early in the morning .
19 I had a distinct impression that many of the organisers had had professional theatre experience and that , naturally , their point of view was coloured by this , while the teachers had arrived at the point of realising the potential of drama as a tool of education .
20 Miss Kenton and my father had arrived at the house at more or less the same time — that is to say , the spring of 1922 — as a consequence of my losing at one stroke the previous housekeeper and under-butler .
21 One normally expects to see all the best opera , ballet and musical talent on this tour , but our group had arrived at the tail-end of a meeting of Comecon heads of state , the National Gymnastics Championships were in full swing and quite unexpectedly , a British delegation led by Sir Geoffrey Howe had arrived for peace talks .
22 By the time the Scotland team had arrived at the Sierras hotel in Alta Gracia the rot had set in .
23 ‘ In the meantime , my dad had arrived at the house and spotted two men hanging around the ditched vehicle .
24 The verderers had arrived at the stones in no very comfortable mood .
25 The verderers had arrived at the tumbled stones soon after the moon rose .
26 Presently he was there , he had arrived at the wooden planks and the criss-crossed supports of the bridge .
27 The court heard that four soldiers — Paul Fraser , Ian Smith , Brian Sim and Sean Bland — had arrived at the pub at about 10.40 p.m. in Fraser 's white Volkswagen Sirocco and stayed there watching the title fight between boxers Chris Ewbank and Michael Watson on the television .
28 She did not know exactly how she had arrived at the last overwhelming conviction , only that she had .
29 A note had arrived at the surgery from the lady in Chester saying that after careful study of the X-rays she thought that Mr Spottiswoode 's pain might be connected with a chest problem .
30 In an interview with La Stampa yesterday , Ing C Olivetti & Co SpA chief Carlo De Benedetti condemned the pervasive system of political corruption , which he says obligated Olivetti to pay bribes or lose contracts , as ‘ having reduced Italy to a state worse than the Third World ’ : he says that at the last shareholders meeting earlier this year , he had to deny any bribery because he could n't preview information to the shareholders that was intended for the legal authorities ; he says that facing the judges , he felt liberated from a weight — ‘ then I felt a sense of justice — it pleased me to be there , ’ noting that when the company decided that the demands of the postal service for slush funds became too extreme and Olivetti stopped paying , ‘ we did n't sell another machine to the Post — we had arrived at the absurd point where , if we did n't pay , we did n't work and the moment we quit paying , we did n't work any more ’ .
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