Example sentences of "not fit in [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In many cases this has resulted in the introduction of faked features and the associated destruction of existing features which , though often of architectural and historic interest in their own right , do not fit in with the designer 's concept of the pub 's ideal form .
2 ‘ Many … had a complete ban and had been no-smoking from the start because they perceived that smoking did not fit in with their ethos — Boots , for example , or the Body Shop . ’
3 That does not fit in with any orthodoxy .
4 Where such arguments did not fit in with the overarching themes of race , violence and disorder , and social deprivation they were either sidelined or pushed into the sub-clauses of official reports .
5 Try and be aware of this as a problem , asking yourself whether the candidate is genuinely not suitable but simply someone who does not fit in with your own picture of yourself .
6 This is a short excursion which does not fit in with any of the circuits mentioned above .
7 A Muslim from a poor family in Hyderabad , he does not fit in with the Bombay set .
8 In any case , many members have their own plans for areas beyond the kernel which do not fit in with what UI wants to do .
9 It may be , of course , that such an inference is wrong , but , as discourse processors , we seem to prefer to make inferences which have some likelihood of being justified and , if some subsequent information does not fit in with this inference , we abandon it and form another .
10 Finch , in a study of preschool playgroups , found that for working class women self help was illusory , because taking turns in looking after other people 's children did not fit in with their life styles or with their aspirations .
11 Fill it in yourself ; your manager , or your union health and safety representative will help you if the layout does not fit in with the incident you want to report .
12 Despite heavy traffic , it did not fit in with British Railway 's policy , and also it suffered from Union intransigency. tickets were printed by the NER and its successors , and followed their standard designs .
13 CIBS ’ , its just the little matter of hairy legs that just might not fit in with the ra-ra skirts … )
14 Sometimes this is desirable because the expression seems awkward or inadequate ; sometimes it signals that the expression does not fit in with the rest of the style ( e.g. because of its register ) .
15 Almost certainly the child will think of " heaven " as a funny idea which people believe in for some nonsensical reason which does not fit in with a scientific way of looking at life .
16 He and Jenny were sufficient for each other ; they did not want a third person , especially a person whose tastes were so dissimilar and who did not fit in with their lives or their friends .
17 Okay that does not fit in with this style of newspaper .
18 When Mr Bernard Corker , who owns the business , applied for retrospective planning permission the council refused on the grounds that it was too noisy , conflicted with proposed parking standards and did not fit in with the character of the residential area .
19 This constant sweeping under the carpet of all information which does not fit in with the Tory vision of a new North does no-one in this region any favours .
20 A Scottish Office spokesman said changes have taken place in the health service since 1989 and the previous plan did not fit in with the present set-up of purchasers and providers .
21 Others who are familiar with intimate details of the case , such as Peter Hill , producer of two BBC Rough Justice programmes on the case in the mid-Eighties , believe Beattie is the victim of suppressed forensic reports which did not fit in with the police view , particularly that of the man leading the investigation , Chief Supt William Muncie .
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