Example sentences of "play [prep] [art] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Did n't we have a black guy who played for a few season in the second division with Revie before the real glory years .
2 He played for a few seconds with the animal 's jewelled collar then turned his eyes on me .
3 He sees the month in New Zealand , where he played against the All Blacks in 1985 , not as a final proving ground but as a searching test of known ability and attitudes .
4 He never played in the same pub twice in the same month ; even so , word got around among the regulars .
5 Jolosa stormed : ‘ If he played in the same league that I do , he 'd end up in trouble too . ’
6 And Graham claimed : ‘ Frank McLintock was a marvellous skipper — I should know because I played in the same team with him .
7 Where did he begin his career ? — with Banbury United , and he played in the same youth side as me .
8 Some of these stories were undoubtedly true — I definitely knew some lads who played in the same city of Leeds schoolboys team as him , etc .
9 The four youngsters — who went to school together and played in the same soccer team — died instantly .
10 Stack claim that the gun is balanced for colour as well as brightness of the image but all the games seemed to play with the same degree of accuracy even with a black&white image .
11 Like most players it was always McGurk 's dream to play in an All Ireland senior final , but there was the danger it would remain simply that , a dream .
12 ‘ It 's every lad 's dream to play in the All Ireland final and now that we have got this far we want to make sure and win .
13 Rory and Tony Underwood become the first brothers to play in the same England side since the war , while Bath No 8 Ben Clarke makes his debut .
14 He said : ‘ I need him to play in the same role as Mick Tait , who starts a suspension after Tuesday 's game against Stockport .
15 ‘ It was a pleasure to play in the same side as a true football genius .
16 Or those voracious fish-eaters , otters , have been seen to play in the same pool as the salmon , fish who would normally flee from the presence of such a competent and fearsome predator .
17 So we 're looking for North Yorkshire to play to the same rules basically .
18 ‘ I would n't like to play on the same team as him or even get changed in the vicinity of him , ’ he said a year ago , after Justin came out .
19 But now the club have found that on applying for renewal of permission to play at the same venue next season , the pitch has already been allocated .
20 He 'd played with a few friends over the years but never managed to overcome the logistics of forming and fronting a band .
21 Have Walsall always played in the same colours as long as you 've been supporting them ?
22 On the record this was played using fingerstyle acoustic guitar , but it is equally effective when played in the same manner on an electric guitar .
23 The new ruling was a financial consideration to prevent ratepayers from , in effect , subsiding replays played within a few days of the original game .
24 At first , the playing time for both discs and cylinders was the same — about two minutes — but the fact that discs could be made in different sizes , all of which could be played on the same machine , was another advantage .
25 Each string , then , is associated in the player 's mind with a definite note , which is played on the same string whether it is flat , sharp , or natural , the pedals being alone responsible for the chromatic alterations .
26 I mean frankly David , if you look at the number of games we 've had so far this season , it would be totally impractical for both teams to have played on the same pitch .
27 Her lovely face came before his eyes and he thought how beautifully she had played on the few occasions she had come down here with him .
28 But the Rugby Union has seen fit to let it degenerate and from next season , when it 's played at the same time as the divisional championship , it will be virtually kaput .
29 County roles take members into schools in their day-to-day work , and for some of the team 's functions ( especially the selection of schools for recommendation for inclusion in the project ) the project role is being played at the same time .
30 The players all played at the same time , and they were always arguing and fighting for hedgehogs .
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