Example sentences of "that have occurred [prep] " in BNC.

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1 What the figure does not reveal is the shift in the balance that has occurred during the 1980s towards overseas securities , prompted initially by the relaxation of exchange controls in 1979 and encouraged subsequently by the strong performance of some overseas economies and stock-markets .
2 Registered images are used to assess the degree of change that has occurred during the time-period represented by the two images .
3 This view is espoused by Myers ( 1986 ) , who believes that deforestation in the Himalaya has been responsible for flood disasters in the lower reaches of the Ganges and Brahmaputra and the higher incidence of flooding that has occurred since 1940 ; apparently flooding now affects some 10 6 ha of land as compared with 6 × 10 6 ha in the early 1950s .
4 Such conservation work is , however , being hindered by the huge growth in tourism that has occurred since 1970 , and although there is in theory a master plan which in the mid-1970s allowed for a maximum of 12 000 visitors per year , de Groot states that since 1979 this number has been increasingly exceeded .
5 We calculate from regression that A/g of oats and mustard would have increased 14.1 to 16.4mmol CO 2 per mol H 2 O , respectively , with the increase from 275 to 350μmolmol -1 CO 2 that has occurred since 1800 .
6 The two economies distinctive and incompatible needs have been recognised in a development that has occurred since the committee met .
7 This is a thought that has occurred to me before .
8 Our society too still has recognized ways of marking the change in status that has occurred for some people .
9 Because the RAWP formula is only used to determine shares of the nationally allocated budget for the NHS , it has not suffered from the same instability of allocations for individual Regional Health Authorities that has occurred for Local Authorities .
10 The surprising point that has occurred with regard to my own business is that other supposed chartered accountants have been preparing fully audited accounts without ever setting foot in the premises that they are conducting the audit for .
11 Frequently it is designed quickly in order to solve a problem that has occurred with the old system .
12 The problem with this explanation is that it does not explain the growth that has occurred outside the crisis periods .
13 Already in my own LEA there are plans for visual arts teachers to explore and establish assessment guidelines , and to capitalize on the considerable amount of curriculum development work that has occurred over recent years .
14 This study examines specific resources — various types of labour , capital and materials — used by the hospital sector to quantify the degree of substitution that has occurred over the period 1951 to 1981 .
15 It reflects the clarifying of vision that has occurred among Baptists and it reflects a return to its evangelical roots .
16 The emergence of such policies illustrates the dramatic shift that has occurred within a relatively short space of time in the social interpretation of sexual differences and inequalities .
17 IBM Corp says its Personal Computer Co shipped 30% to 35% more personal computers in the first quarter than it did during the year-ago period , and vice-chairman Jack Kuehler expects it to be ‘ reasonably profitable ’ in 1993 — but the personal computer business is now so volatile that making forecasts more than a quarter ahead is a mug 's game : following Conner Peripherals Inc 's warning on Friday that it is seeing oversupply and soft demand for disk drives ( CI No 2,142 ) , observers are saying that grey market prices for 80486s are now weak ; Finis Conner said on Friday that Conner would have to slash production and payrolls in the months ahead to remain competitive — ‘ The market is in total disarray , ’ he said ; ‘ the pricing that has occurred in the last four to five days has been something I 've never seen believes the booming personal computer industry is showing signs of slowing after being fuelled for over two years by the price war .
18 It is a process in literature that has occurred in the past in other fields .
19 When my right hon. Friend meets the CBI in the north-east , will he try to explain away the inconsistency that has occurred in the Labour party ?
20 In fact , Boltho points out that the greater part of the equalisation that has occurred in the EC since the 1950s is due to greater inter-country equality rather than greater intra-country equality , i.e. disparities have been reduced as nations as a whole have converged rather than regions within nations moving closer together .
21 Numerous mechanisms have been suggested to explain the often significant uplift that has occurred in plate interiors but none seems to be applicable to all cases .
22 In such works as Bewick 's , it is possible to see the deterioration that has occurred from the use of badly worn blocks .
23 For this study recurrent intestinal pain was defined as abdominal pain that had occurred on more than six days in the past year and was relieved by defecation or whose onset was associated with more frequent or looser stools .
24 In that mood she said she had been present at a lot of attacks that had occurred on Ward 4 .
25 Even so , it set up a security precaution that had occurred to me when I 'd seen the cylinder .
26 Obviously that had occurred to him too .
27 Erm erm I , I think that you know I , that had occurred to me in the past
28 Then she peered at him over the barrier of her firmly folded arms and expressed a thought that had occurred to her before , but that now she felt impress itself on her even more strongly .
29 In Woodrow , it was held that affray is a continuing offence , so that where an indictment charged the defendants with a single offence and particularised several incidents that had occurred at different places and over a period of several hours , the indictment was not bad for duplicity .
30 The authorities were investigating certain matters that had occurred during the Terror , at which time no-one had been too concerned about violence in the streets and the occasional unexplained corpse .
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