Example sentences of "move [prep] [noun pl] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Last year the Government abolished the allowance that mothers who moved from benefits to work could claim .
2 The Bush administration also moved on proposals for tax cuts , designed to appeal to middle-class voters hurt by the recession , and to counter a plan put forward by Senate finance committee chairman Lloyd Bentsen ( Democrat , Texas ) for tax cuts of $72,000 million over five years financed by a 5 per cent cut in defence spending .
3 ‘ The records were being altered , a new accounting system was being introduced and key people were moved from positions of authority .
4 In effect , the intellectual centre of gravity slowly moved from parties to pressure groups and a new theory emerged that quickly gained wide acceptance .
5 The teachers are forced to cancel the 800 metres when the other competitors all withdraw rather than be humiliated by being beaten by me and my Mum is moved to tears of joy and pride as I win the 4 × 100 metres relay race on my own .
6 Put yourself in the position of one of the bystanders on the path of Christ 's passion : Are you not moved to tears of remorse by the only Begotten Son of God , who for you and all mankind , in his innocence , was seized , dragged along , blindfolded , mocked , spat upon , crowned with thorns , finally hanged between thieves on the cross ? …
7 He obstinately continues to love his wife and children , to be moved to tears by music , and to be disturbed by the sun breaking between banks of cloud , low in the sky over flat muddy fields on a winter 's afternoon .
8 Once it was realized that financial self-sufficiency was no longer possible , the focus moved to forms of state control of the railway and the need for state resources to fund its deficit .
9 In other words , health ceased to be the dominant provider of residential care while social services and the non-statutory sectors moved to positions of parity .
10 A big problem for the liberals is that recent immigrants from China , who make almost half of the population , have so far not been greatly moved by ideals of democracy .
11 Long hours of physical exploration/emotional connection so deep like moving through layers of sea .
12 RJB could move for collieries on market
13 And although international processes are moving towards notions of citizenship not based in ethnicity , this is still the norm in international law .
14 While her parents , Ciesinski says , ‘ were just the kind of people who wanted their kids to do whatever we wanted ’ , she and her sister Katherine , who is twenty-one months older , both found themselves moving towards careers in opera .
15 Similarly , when moving into areas of hypertext and active documents , they quickly understand how scripts or methods can be associated with active document elements and how these may launch other programs in order to provide database searching or other forms of specialized processing .
16 The question is therefore simply phrased as how does the child move from gestures into sign and into speech and is the language competence equivalent in both languages ?
17 Music is emotion , and musical forms , however free , must move in waves of emotion .
18 The general thrust can be seen intuitively by supposing that inference is basically a matter of moving from premises to conclusion along an acceptable path .
19 Padding is moving from shoulders to chest — yes , bosoms are back !
20 The educational problem-posing approach with triggers and dialogue helps people move beyond barriers to learning and involves them in a group process to change their lives as learners and as emerging teachers in their communities .
21 She would have preferred to be a good girl who could move among adults in silence , relying on the common sense of her parent to observe and extinguish any threats to her comfort or susceptibilities .
22 The book highlights such subjects as animism , Jewish , Christian and Hellenistic ‘ mythologies ’ ; the realities of health , sickness and death ; of nature — its seasons ( notably Spring and Winter ) and its glories , as well as its decadence ( we find no evidence for Djwa 's contention that ‘ the book moves through cycles of winter death followed by spring rebirth , ’ any more than for her ‘ structural myth ’ or ‘ controlling Orpheus myth ’ which form the foundation for her critique of the book ) ; of rationality and madness ; loneliness and intimacy ; of truth and treachery , prayer and protest ; of prophet and priest , doctors and teachers , angels and devils ; freedom and slavery , sainthood and sinning , wonder and despair , war and peace , love and loss , beauty and brutality ; regret and humour ; sensuality and discipline , joy and sadness ; of the greatness of God and his creation , and the pitiful smallness and incompetency of man ; the city and the breadth of nature itself : sea and air , rivers and countryside ; savagery and urbanity ; loss and its disappointing pangs .
23 So if , at some stages of a life , the individual is poorer than at others , this may not matter because everybody will experience the same relative shifts in affluence as they move through stages of life .
24 An important aspect of mobility is the extent to which , and paths by which , professionally trained scientists move into positions of responsibility involving managerial skills .
25 The result was to see 450 previously long term unemployed people move into jobs with training — in almost all cases to vocational qualification Level II or above .
26 The less upward social mobility is possible , the more visible class boundaries become , and the harder it is for energetic , ambitious and talented people from non-elite backgrounds to move into positions of power and prestige through their own efforts .
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