Example sentences of "at the very core " in BNC.

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1 So in my view design is absolutely fundamental and at the very core of most businesses .
2 It is , therefore , acting at the deepest level of the individual , correcting energy imbalances at the very core of our beings .
3 There is thus , for Schleiermacher , an inherently religious awareness at the very core of our own existence as human beings : it is both inherent in ourselves , and inherently bound up with the reality of God .
4 It is not simply a general or universal awareness of God , though it gathers up and refines the more general consciousness to be found in other religions and at the very core of human existence as such .
5 A key element here is ‘ the principle of bounded rationality ( which ) lies at the very core of organization theory , and at the core , as well , of any ‘ theory of action ’ that purports to treat of human behaviour in complex organizations ' ( Simon , 1957b , p. 200 ) .
6 The question which feminists are raising then strikes at the very core of Christology .
7 In such a liturgy it becomes apparent , in a way in which in a traditional liturgy , with a man celebrating , it does not , because there is not the same incongruity , that women are , at the very core of their religion , dependent on the male world .
8 According to Scott , finance capitalists are at the very core of the business class , because they can coordinate its activities .
9 The Yek who ruled this world lived according to a complex code of law at the very core of which was a presumption which affected every part of their existence — the belief that technological advancement was to a great extent incompatible with the maintenance of civilisation .
10 For it was the procedures and practices that have been at the very core of racing tradition for generations that were on trial here , and there was little realistic chance that they should have been found wanting .
11 Right at the very core , the very centre of our being , the very heart of our personality God implants that seed of a new life .
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