Example sentences of "at the very beginning " in BNC.

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1 And finally , they should explain at the very beginning of their conversation why they are phoning you .
2 The biographer is absolutely right to say at the very beginning that Quisling is not at all difficult to understand .
3 Of even greater strategic importance to the review was a condition set down by the Chancellor at the very beginning .
4 Eleanor was right when she had said at the very beginning that he should have gone along with the corporate planning proposals to phase-out the UK Vehicle Division as a manufacturing operation .
5 Though at the very beginning of his political ‘ career ’ , Hitler had emphasized the need for anti-Semitism derived from ‘ reason ’ , not pure ‘ emotion ’ , there were — as is well known — no measures in the ‘ Jewish Question ’ which were too extreme for him , except on occasions where tactical considerations prevailed .
6 Descartes , indeed , was with the armies of Maximilian of Bavaria in 1619 at the very beginning of the Thirty Years War when , at Neuberg on the Danube , he had that sequence of dreams which convinced him that his mission was to seek out truth by means of reason .
7 ( Beware of those therapists who seek to charge you for a complete course of treatment at the very beginning , as it is almost impossible to know how well each individual will respond and therefore how many sessions will be needed . )
8 Start at the very beginning of the day .
9 Guideline 1 : The best time to start is at the very beginning
10 It had to do too with William Blake , at the very beginning of the 19th century , who equated technology with industrialisation and industrialisation with despoliation .
11 Julian Haylock chats with operatic bass Ferruccio Furlanette in Salzburg ; thrown in ‘ at the deep end ’ with Karajan at the very beginning of his career , he is now in great demand .
12 How was marriage affected by parenthood at the very beginning ?
13 The fact is that the greatest mystery of all — the Incarnation — comes at the very beginning and is the central reason why we believe in God .
14 The last point , far from being the hardest on which to reach agreement , was the easiest : it was cleared out of the way at the very beginning , Gandhi accepting Irwin 's formulation without demur and apparently feeling no discomfort at disregarding what he knew to be the views of the Congress Working Committee .
15 At the very beginning I took it really personally when he yelled at me , ‘ Get me that , ’ but I quickly realised he has a lot on his mind during the show .
16 Let's start at the very beginning .
17 It was to this area that the Hasteds had come at the very beginning of the 19th century ; previously their home had been in the City , in the parishes of St Katherine Coleman and St Olave , Hart Street , but like many of their contemporaries they made the pilgrimage east .
18 There is the sound of a UFO at the very beginning of the new Deee-Lite album , ‘ Infinity Within ’ , sampled from a documentary .
19 Ideally consultation with advisory or special teachers should be started before a pupil is accepted into the class , or at least at the very beginning of term , so that the provision of special equipment and materials can be organised .
20 Hypocrisy is a key element in this plot , too , with the difference that while they started near the top of society and were on the verge of receiving power at the very beginning , he — as a bastard son who is only just back from having spent nine years abroad ( the typical occupation for one who has no prospect of inheritance in his own country ) and is due to go again — starts very much lower down in society , virtually at the bottom .
21 It included , along with clauses concerned with tolls and mercantile rights , a grant of freedom for the town and all dwellers in it ; the abolition of the judicial duel , unpopular with merchants ; the use of inquest in its place ; and an enlarged competence for the échevins or boni homines , the successors of the Carolingian scabini , re-established in the town at the very beginning of the century .
22 The miraculous tales were set down in writing at the very beginning of literacy , even before the Homeric poems of the eighth century BC .
23 The ensemble includes two flutes , one doubling piccolo : Mozart never wrote a serenade for wind using flutes , but of course The Magic Flute there had to be flutes , Papageno 's pipes too , represented at the very beginning of the first movement , and returning in the second movement , by the piccolo .
24 At the very beginning of the reign William Cecil , by threatening to resign , persuaded her to follow the Council 's advice , which was not unanimous , and intervene in Scotland .
25 Signs that there had been loss of control appear at the very beginning of James 's reign when commissioners hearing private suits to the King were ordered not to give reversions to places of consequence .
26 So it looks as though at the very beginning of the 1830s , trade unionism was already disposed to settle into the primary role which it was fully and consciously to adopt later in the century , a role which would be ameliorative rather than revolutionary .
27 There seems no doubt that molecules such as these could have formed in the seas of the earth at the very beginning of its history .
28 A similar problem arises at the very beginning of the Bible , in the creation stories .
29 It begins at the very beginning .
30 The program designer needs to be in communication with the curriculum designer , especially at the very beginning of the development .
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