Example sentences of "at the very moment " in BNC.

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1 India in 1947 saw the ‘ largest migration in history ’ , for at the very moment of its independence , it was divided , its western and eastern regions became the ‘ Muslim homeland ’ of Pakistan .
2 If you deliver an effective technique at the very moment that the time-up bell sounds , then your score will be accepted .
3 Up to 10,000 armed Palestinians live in Sidon and the surrounding hills , and the PLO is bound to be accused by its enemies of involvement in the kidnappings at the very moment when President Mubarak of Egypt is trying to involve PLO supporters in peace talks with Israel .
4 At the very moment Lewis was finishing The Place of the Lion , Williams was reading The Allegory of Love with great admiration .
5 He managed to reduce the variegated and picturesque spectacle of the Middle Ages to the unity of a humoristic concept at the very moment it began to dissolve and crumble . ’
6 I must have been arranging those flowers , and setting the lighted candles round them , at the very moment my father was dying .
7 This was seen at the very moment of James V 's death .
8 János Hunyadi was regent of Hungary during the minority of King Ladislas V , but had to step down at the very moment of the fall of Constantinople when Ladislas came of age .
9 The three-year appointment is a breakthrough for Brig Ramsey , 49 , who has landed the job at the very moment it is opened up to women .
10 1 portable chair , collapsible ( you have probably noticed that , at the very moment you feel like a quick sit-down in an old house , all the chairs suddenly develop signs saying NOT TO BE SAT UPON , and all the window-seats are occupied by NT helpers )
11 In the schools , French became a compulsory language at the very moment when Arab nationalists were enjoying the linguistic triumph of Arabic over the Turkish of the now broken Ottoman Empire , a victory which had important political implications for the concept of Arab unity .
12 At the very moment when they were writing about these problems , Marx and Engels were writing the seminal texts in which the political solutions were expounded .
13 At the moment of Boy 's arrival , at the very moment that he was standing there framed in our doorway , hesitating ( which makes such a good entrance , though Boy was n't doing it deliberately ) , at that same time on that same first evening there was a terrible attack on one of the men from The Bar .
14 Terence Davies has apparently emerged from the representation of his social origins smelling of Art , and it is this very concept which mainstream criticism just can not get enough of , for at its best ( its most effective ) it denies the social world at the very moment that it represents it .
15 It should be harnessed at the very moment . ’
16 I am very happy that at the very moment you are admitted to your degree and become a graduate of the University of Nottingham I have the opportunity to shake your hand in congratulation .
17 ‘ Surrounded by the melancholy gloom of night , how different the views of the artist and lover to those of the ‘ lean unwashed artificer ’ who at the very moment greedily swallowing sedition is all agog to hurl destruction on his rulers , who in their turns are as anxiously providing means to prevent its execution . ’
18 This is the heart of the notion of the inner city ; at the very moment that policy draws the boundaries of the inner city a place takes on the qualities of coherence that it does not possess , embodies all the contradictions that are part of the original concept .
19 It is her ambition to be tried for her life for murdering a small tobacconist with a meat-cleaver , only to be dramatically cleared when her alibi is established by the bishop who was confirming her at the very moment of the crime .
20 The rise of this logical positivism reinforced the Enlightenment belief in science and rationality ( at the very moment that the world was in desperate need of a moral code and a spiritual light to help it through the great crisis — the Depression — of the old machine 's apparent demise ) .
21 Striptease … is based on a contradiction : Woman is desexualised at the very moment when she is stripped naked .
22 But worse is that it comes at the very moment Davies and Jeff Young , the WRU technical director , and forward-looking others have put into place a representative structure designed to facilitate the flow of full international candidates .
23 Four or five ‘ B ’ and U21 matches a season plus training weekends at full , ‘ B ’ , development and U21 levels mean a bigger commitment to Wales than ever — by baleful coincidence , at the very moment the commitment to clubs has never been bigger .
24 Iago continues in other , more familiar postures , professing love to Othello and Desdemona ( III.iii. 119ff. , 136ff. , 196ff. , 213ff. , 218f. , 225 ) and feigning a sympathy for their sufferings which we know to be a covert expression of his gloating : As Cicero said , there is no more flagrant injustice than ‘ that of the hypocrite who , at the very moment when he is most false , makes it his business to appear virtuous ’ .
25 As he puts it in Writing and Difference , at the very moment when the fundamental conceptual systems of Europe are in the process of taking over all of humanity , Levinas leads us instead to ‘ an inconceivable process of dismantling and dispossession ’ .
26 The appearance of History and Class Consciousness at the height of the Modernist movement suggests the degree to which history was being totalized by Lukács at the very moment when the process of detotalization had already begun — even in the aporetic possibilities of his own writings .
27 The interview with Jason , he tells the jury , had been ‘ twisted , distorted , added to and invented ; and it attributed cowardice at the very moment the Gulf War was about to break out ’ .
28 It is a paradox that the more Ministers learn about the complex and uncertain causes and circumstances of crime , the less dogmatic they become in their opinions at the very moment when , as Whitelaw found to his cost , they are most vulnerable to censure by their own supporters .
29 At the very moment when Hurd was preparing to unveil the fruits of a long period of gestation in the form of a White Paper on criminal justice , Lawson resigned as Chancellor .
30 But by misfortune his telescope had now wandered back again and was trained on the Cutcherry at the very moment that it exploded with a flash that burnt itself so deeply into the Collector 's brain that he reeled , as if struck in the eye by a musket ball And then there was nothing but smoke , dust , debris , and a crash which dropped a picture from the wall behind him .
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