Example sentences of "at a late date " in BNC.

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1 At a late date in our cultural history , he had created a language both formal and authoritative .
2 That , if need be , could be sorted out at a later date .
3 Copies ordered at a later date may cost £5.00 depending upon the time lapse between the registration of death and the date of the order .
4 A further 22 arrested in the raid on Friday , and 51 detained on the Tottenham estate in the week leading up to it , had been charged and would appear in court at a later date .
5 If you think your application will be unpopular ( such as a mini-cab office or a bed and breakfast hostel ) , you can ask the council for a ‘ personal ’ or ‘ limited period ’ planning permission , so the council can review the situation at a later date .
6 Charles suggested they get together at a later date to sort it out .
7 The finer details will have to be added at a later date when experience of operating in a contract culture has been gained .
8 ITV also announced this week that , with the agreement of the Football League , they had taken out the Arsenal v Liverpool match from the fixtures for February 24 and it would be played at a later date , invoking a clause in their contract with the League that allows them to use three matches a season in this way .
9 The sash windows were put in at a later date but the glazing bars still follow the lines of the mullions and transoms and look particularly well .
10 At a later date I bought the place and built on wings to make the necessary accommodation .
11 ( The recessed verandah to the right of centre , with its sliding picture windows , was added at a later date . )
12 Having said that , it is also wise to opt for a greenhouse that can be extended at a later date by adding on another ‘ module ’ .
13 A tenth of those questioned thought that Hitler was the greatest statesman of the century , whose true greatness would only be recognized at a later date , and a further 22 per cent thought that , while he had made ‘ some mistakes ’ he had nevertheless been an excellent head of State .
14 So if the horse is lucky enough to get a companion at a later date , its owner will be surprised that the horse will appear much happier , and that it will be in better health and condition .
15 Nevertheless , if at a later date someone should wish to cure the horse of such a bad habit they will find it difficult to do so .
16 ( Clifford 's London church had emphasized the corporate nature of Christianity by having a service of ‘ infant dedication ’ while retaining baptism by total immersion for those who had experienced ‘ conversion ’ at a later date .
17 Its most surprising room , covered from ceiling to floor in 17th-century paintings , should be a salon or library ; instead , a dotty stone bathtub was set into one wall at a later date by a lady called Charlotte .
18 If the evaluation is ‘ bolted on ’ at a later date it may not be measuring the success of the original , documented plans .
19 Altruism is reciprocal when the assistance rendered to an individual by another is returned in an appropriate interaction , usually at a later date .
20 The orang-utan thus probably reached its definitive form by evolution from a rather more terrestrial animal but at a later date than that suggested by Kortlandt .
21 There , men frequently migrate to the towns , leaving their families behind either to be visited at week-ends or to join them in the town at a later date .
22 This is particularly helpful if your school 's organisation seeks to register as a charity at a later date .
23 We will arrange collection from you at a later date of the masters and PAL copy masters , but would like you to store the NTSC and SECAM copy masters for future use .
24 There are emerging , however , a few bona fide cases where licensing is the only means of making any sales and where it is in our general interest to be in a market in anticipation of that market situation easing at a later date .
25 If it is of exceptional quality , there is a chance that it may be vested — either immediately or at a later date — in the Redundant Churches Fund .
26 At a later date , Morrissey would conclude that he , ‘ Never anticipated any outrage . ’
27 However , speaking to Hot Press 's George Byrne at a later date , Johnny Marr attempted to dispel the controversy surrounding Gannon : ‘ Things were made out of the situation which we did n't intend .
28 There is even a gap in the centre with no flowers where the material marking the ford was probably removed at a later date to allow passage for the boats , leaving a silty bottom to the river in that place unsuitable for the growth of water crowfoot .
29 The justification for this was expressed to be that it would thus be open to a court at a later date to review the matter of sex determination Ormrod J. 's decision , much cited and approved of in the House of Commons debate , evidently will remain the law .
30 Negative programming can be general or specific and , unless something is done about it at a later date , its effects can last a lifetime .
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