Example sentences of "at [adv] 18 months " in BNC.

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1 But , like most mothers , I did n't take much notice of the dangers until my son , at about 18 months old , nibbled a poisonous plant .
2 Almost immediately after birth he was sent out to a wet-nurse at the nearby village of Syderstone , where he remained until he was weaned , at about 18 months .
3 Tentatively , he put the recovery at about 18 months ahead , but queried if it could be a non-inflationary one .
4 Each clone must have been grown for at least 18 months at Kew before being distributed ; during this period , the plants are regularly inspected for disease and insects .
5 A new programme of preparation for the new nurse will normally be completed within three years , and will begin with a Common Foundation Programme ( CFP ) of at least 18 months in length , followed by a branch programme in mental health ; or nursing of persons with mental handicap ; or nursing of the adult ; or nursing of the child .
6 Young tigers are dependent on their mothers for at least 18 months , after which the family ( left ) breaks up .
7 NeXT has enough cash to keep it going for at least 18 months , according to Jobs , whilst its ballyhoo 'd initial public offering is now unlikely before 1994 , he says .
8 According to SAG , current specification development for technology enhancements will continue , but new technology projects have been put on hold for at least 18 months to two years .
9 Apricot Computers Ltd , which always likes to be first with Intel 's latest chip , will reportedly announce a P5-based machine in September , but with the enormous leap in complexity in the microprocessor , the other major worry has to be that it will take early users of the chip at least 18 months to find all the bugs in it and for Intel to correct them .
10 By a notice of motion dated 14 February 1992 the local authority appealed against those parts of the order which directed that there should be no contact between the father and the girl until after the local authority review and that there should be supervised contact between the girl and her half-sister , on the grounds that ( 1 ) the justices had been wrong in law in failing to invite the parties to comment on the agreed proposals for contact ; ( 2 ) the justices had been wrong in law in failing to indicate to the parties the nature of the orders for contact which they proposed to make , thereby depriving the parties of the opportunity to make submissions relating to those proposals ; ( 3 ) the justices had wrongly exercised their discretion in authorising the local authority to refuse contact to the girl by the father for only six months when they had found as a fact , inter alia , that the father had abused the girl over a period of at least 18 months ; ( 4 ) the justices had been wrong to impose the condition of supervision on contact between the girl and her half-sister when there had been no application for such contact to be supervised , the evidence was that the half-sister had been enjoying unsupervised contact and that there was no evidence that there was any risk of the girl coming into contact with her father while having contact with her half-sister , and the justices had heard evidence that the local authority were considering placing the girl with her half-sister and by their order they had precluded the local authority from making such a placement and had fettered the discretion of the local authority ; and ( 5 ) the order was therefore contrary to the girl 's best interests .
11 Even for those most deeply committed to the official view , these revelations could only reopen the vexed question of why the Scottish police and the FBI had changed their minds so comprehensively after claiming for at least 18 months that the bombing had been carried out by Ahmed Jibril 's PFLP — GC at the instigation of Iran and Syria .
12 After that going for gold involves participating in a wide range of activities over a period of at least 18 months .
13 It 's the lowest I have been after a Wales game for at least 18 months .
14 CONSERVATIVES on Cheshire County Council want to defer a review of the council stock of smallholdings for at least 18 months .
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