Example sentences of "at [art] lower price " in BNC.

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1 Sotheby 's fear must be that potential purchasers will turn to Christie 's at the lower price level should their competitors decide not to raise their rate for the time being .
2 Its recent innovation of the so-called Colonnade Sales , aimed at the lower price bracket of £2,500 per lot or less , will inevitably be hit hard .
3 A ham came next ; after some frenzied bidding at the lower prices it climbed to thirteen guineas , then to fourteen where it seemed likely to stay until at the very last moment , a cautious male voice offered fifteen guineas .
4 That is not Mr Lawson 's fault , of course , but he has to live with the danger that while the world 's capital markets will duly bridge the gap between Britain 's domestic savings and investment , they will only do so at a lower price for sterling .
5 Bryan Gould , Labour 's trade and industry spokesman , has said that the industry may be renationalised at a lower price than it is sold for .
6 ‘ As Emporio spreads and grows , I will concentrate more on doing a few limited pieces for the special clients who buy my signature line , ’ he smiles , betraying a special fondness for those who grudge no expense for a new take on a shoulder-line , a fresh twist to this year 's lapel that simply can not be copied in a less fluid fabric at a lower price .
7 The company has also announced a revision of the HP Lab/Ux Lims system that provides users with more sample-tracking and information management capability at a lower price .
8 Tenbel Saver allows you to benefit from all the facilities of Ten Bel at a lower price .
9 If he fixed a price with the buyer , and the buyer asked for Modigliani 's address , the painter was likely to give away his work at a lower price or offer it as a present if the purchaser was shrewd enough to take him out for a meal and a few drinks .
10 In many countries there has been a phased reduction in the lead content of petrol and in the UK , for example , lead-free petrol is on sale at a lower price , at selected petrol stations ( the engine requires a minor adjustment to use it ) and there are indications of a move towards the obligatory use of lead-free petrol for all vehicles .
11 buying the same goods or services at a lower price ( pencils , computers , repairs , off-peak electricity ) ;
12 Therefore providers ought to be able to agree to contracts for these services at a lower price .
13 Out of-date-stock Life-dated products not sold before their expiry date may have to be sold at a lower price ( or even discarded altogether ) .
14 Based on the principle of customer loyalty , their Price Promise guarantees to refund the difference if an item stocked by them can be purchased locally at a lower price .
15 ‘ Apart from selling many more Reed titles , ’ he says , ‘ the key fact to come out of it was that more than half the customers who came into our shops to buy a promoted Reed title at a lower price bought on average two-and-a-half books at full price , and so the venture , as far as we were concerned , was highly profitable . ’
16 Firstly , since free labour was cheaper and more productive than slave labour , East Indian sugar could be sold , if allowed to compete on equal terms , at a lower price than West Indian in both the British and European markets .
17 The improved interface enables for faster plotting than the 110A and at a lower price — up to 4Mb per second on EISA units and 1.5Mb per second on AT bus machines .
18 Watkins says SunSoft is happy to support what SunSelect offers in the way of MS-DOS emulation right now , but adds that if another firm comes up with better technology at a lower price ‘ we 'd be stupid not to do business with them . ’
19 The argument against commodity bundling is that by offering a bundle of goods at a lower price than the sum of the prices for the components of the bundle the supplier is able to prevent competition from producers of individual goods within the bundle .
20 A MFN clause guarantees to a buyer that if , when the contract is concluded or within some specified time period later , the seller makes a sale to another buyer at a lower price , then the buyer in question will also receive that lower price .
21 ( Care must be taken in interpreting these probit equations : note that positive because the higher the price the more likely it is that all will be sold ; is positive because as the horizon approaches one gets less fussy , and so one is more likely to sell at a lower price ; the other signs follow from similar arguments . )
22 A realistic budget will do three things for you : it will sort out the urgent essentials from the details which can wait ; make you feel good if you manage any or all of it at a lower price than your original estimate ; and inspire you to improvise , to consider if you could achieve an equally good effect and still fit in with what you can comfortably afford .
23 If therefore the waters of the sea showed no signs of depletion of fish , an increased supply could be produced at a lower price after a time sufficiently long to enable the normal action of economic causes to work itself out . [ … ]
24 When the application period ended ( on June 8 ) an assessment of the results would be made and unsold shares would be put up for sale at a lower price .
25 The shares will have been borrowed and sold in the hope and expectation of buying them back at a lower price .
26 A cash alternative may be offered at a lower price than the share offer but such an alternative may be safer if this is likely to happen .
27 It was asked to halt the deal by Peabody , the US-based Hanson coal subsidiary , which claims it already had an agreement to buy the Australian business at a lower price .
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