Example sentences of "at [art] appropriate level " in BNC.

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1 Constant liaison at the appropriate level is therefore necessary to avoid a situation arising where problems have occurred about which the supplier is not aware .
2 Within this ideal model ( Fig 12.3 ) , the actual costs of providing education at the appropriate level would be calculated for both academic and non-academic resources ( eg staff , equipment , facilities , services , etc ) .
3 obtain and organise resources to deliver education at the appropriate level to meet statutory requirements and local demand
4 The decisions will be made at the appropriate level by those who have a stake in them .
5 integrates into the Headway course at the appropriate level
6 The system determines how many groups are active at the appropriate level for the appropriate table in the Working-Set to which the entries are being transferred , and allocates entries on a roughly equal basis .
7 Full-time college programmes will still be available at all levels but instead of a trainee attending a course leading to an examination set by the college or by one of the existing examination bodies , the programme will comprise training and NVQ assessment , with the award of an NVQ qualification at the appropriate level if the trainee is successful .
8 We must implement the principle of ‘ subsidiarity ’ , that decisions should be made at the appropriate level whether that is local , regional , national or European .
9 The the question mark I 've got is tha is that I I certainly accept that , it 's the it 's the question of the work being done at the appropriate level and the erm , the the fact that two sub teams are working without a complaint examiner , and , but I
10 Make contact with officers at the appropriate levels within the organisation
11 Whether they be in mixed ability , banded , streamed or set groups , the teacher must cater for each pupil 's progress by providing tasks at the appropriate levels .
12 The point is simply that the account of mental processes which folk psychology provides , constitutes an explanation at an appropriate level of abstraction for the purposes of explaining behaviour scientifically .
13 But it is important that these ‘ greenhouse gases ’ remain at an appropriate level .
14 You should , of course , still be treated fairly and this may entail your employer looking round his organisation , perhaps even the whole corporate group of which he is part , to see if you can be fitted in elsewhere at an appropriate level , before finally deciding to terminate your employment .
15 The successful completion of this Certificate at an appropriate level provides a second chance for such students to enter higher education or other forms of advanced , further and professional training .
16 This allows for special needs children to continue to receive specialist medical and/or educational help while also enabling them to integrate with mainstream children at an appropriate level .
17 As we have argued elsewhere ( Wells and Robinson , 1982 ) , however , this should not be taken as evidence against the facilitating effect of an input containing clear , well-formed examples of the target language at an appropriate level of complexity .
18 There is a steady flow of applications both from students with educational experience at an appropriate level in the past and from current students either at other institutions or on non-modular courses at Oxford .
19 This work aims to help teachers provide challenging tasks , at an appropriate level , which are rich in mathematical and scientific concepts and procedures , will motivate pupils and will thus enhance learning .
20 Centrally-devised Higher National Units will incorporate lead body standards at an appropriate level .
21 Some of the changes have been suggested because individual modules are thought to be at an appropriate level .
22 Flexible response was defined as the use of force against an attacker at an appropriate level on an escalating scale , starting with conventional arms and with strategic nuclear forces as weapons of last resort .
23 Public law cases may be transferred up , down and across the court system where this will avoid delay , facilitate consolidation or allow the case to be heard at an appropriate level .
24 But we actually talked about things at an appropriate level .
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