Example sentences of "order may [be] made [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Disclosure orders may be made in respect of assets outside the jurisdiction , for example documents relating to a Swiss bank account .
2 Thus , a care order may be made for the " appeal period " where a child is the subject of an interim care order at the time the application is dismissed .
3 A supervision order may be made pending appeal if the child is the subject of an interim supervision order at the time of dismissal .
4 A like order may be made on a counterclaim .
5 If in the opinion of the court a summons for recovery of land can not be served in accordance with Ord 7 , rr 4 – 10 , an order may be made on request in N 220 for service on the husband or wife of the defendant , a person living with but not married to the defendant , or upon anyone who is or appears to be authorised by the defendant to reside or carry on business in the premises , to manage them or to safeguard or deal with the premises or contents thereof ( Ord 7 , r 15(1) — ( 3 ) ) .
6 Such an order may be made on application on notice by any party before the hearing under Ord 13 , r 1 ; or on application by any party at the hearing ; or at any stage of the proceedings by the court of its own motion ( Ord 19 , r 7 ) .
7 It is common ground that in a majority of cases where an order may be made under section 18 for the payment by the Board to the unassisted party of the costs of appellate , as opposed to first instance , proceedings , the Court of Appeal or this House will be in a position at the conclusion of an appeal on the information then before it to decide under section 18(3) what , if any , order for costs should be made against the assisted party and to form at least a provisional view under section 18(4) ( c ) as to whether it would be ‘ just and equitable in all the circumstances of the case that provision for the costs should be made out of public funds . ’
8 Where that has happened an order may be made under section 61(1) directing steps to be taken to remedy the contravention .
9 By s. 4 of the 1986 Act a disqualification order may be made by the court in the course of winding up a company , if it appears that the person :
10 A defendant 's costs order may be made in favour of an acquitted defendant by the Crown Court or a magistrates ' court .
11 A residence order may be made in favour of two or more people who are not living together and may specify the period which the child shall spend in each household ( s10(4) ) .
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