Example sentences of "order [to-vb] [conj] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The sheriff of Cumberland received orders to see that the Council 's commands were carried out in all respects .
2 The request ( 5:1 ) : this seems less than the whole truth ; but it is in the nature of a test-case , Israel had to leave Egypt in order to sacrifice because the nature of their sacrifice was offensive to the Egyptians ( 8:26 ) .
3 The EC also insisted on a biannual monitoring of Rover 's hitherto secret five-year corporate plan , in order to confirm that the money allocated for restructuring was being spent on that .
4 However , any scheme should be checked with the US authorities before proceeding in order to confirm that the exemption will apply .
5 It 's in this way I think that Proust clears the ground in order to claim that the artist , be he writer , painter , musician , can capture reality by means not open to and indeed mostly at variance with the discursive intellect .
6 They showed little interest in attitudes or opinions which explains their insistence on " factual questions " , precise and exact , in order to claim that the research yielded " hard " data .
7 I mention it here in order to signal that the existence of legal rules and sanctions makes it more difficult to uncover from historical evidence why people in the past gave financial assistance to their relatives , if they did , and in particular , to decide how far such assistance was based upon feelings of obligation or duty .
8 When I have grasped this ( the difference , not the colour chart ) , I can apply it to my present experience in order to see whether the experience is one of pink or of orange .
9 However it may still be useful to compare some of the main relevant characteristics of the samples , omitting those who went straight into institutional care , in order to see whether the development officers had more dependent or problematic clients to deal with than were in the control samples .
10 In order to see whether the recognition results can be interpreted in terms of schema theories of memory it is first necessary to have some measure of the schema consistency of particular films .
11 But the prosecution lawyer , Christopher Clark QC , insisted , You deliberately killed that cat , in order to see whether the mechanism worked .
12 However , in order to discover whether the history of the longue durée , and of structures and conjonctures , can be couched in the strongly counterfactual form spelled out , for example , by Miller , and can thus qualify as an example of concessive holist explanation , we need to consider its relations to the actions and intentions of individuals much more carefully .
13 The problem must be recordable , ie the observer must be able to say how frequently it occurs in order to know that the intervention ( manipulation of consequences or antecedents ) is having an effect ( good or bad ) .
14 In order to infer that the effect of X on Y is a direct causal effect , any variable which is related to both X and Y and causally prior to at least one of them must be controlled .
15 Mainly , the leading eugenists devoted themselves to preparing ‘ pedigree studies ’ of pauper families in order to establish that the residuum was a degenerate sub-species , genetically afflicted by feeble-mindedness , insanity , al holism , venereal disease , criminality , tuberculosis , and infant mortality , which multiplied far more quickly than superior members of the race .
16 It also examines the influence of the SEM and related rules on the locational behaviour of large firms with respect to the LFRs in order to establish whether the nature and quality of investment in such regions may enhance regional development potential .
17 I stress this in order to underline that the view which I express is idiosyncratic , prejudiced and probably heretical .
18 Under this approach , if a relationship is created by trust deed , contract , or other similar instrument and there is no pre-existing fiduciary relationship between the parties , in order to determine whether the relationship is fiduciary and , if so , the scope of the fiduciary 's duties , it is necessary to have regard to all the terms of the instrument .
19 Measures of concurrent validity must therefore be examined in order to determine whether the comparison measure is , in itself , a valid measure of the linguistic ability in question .
20 Consultation with secondary analysts and with the data generators is necessary in order to ensure that the documentation supports informed and responsible analysis of the data .
21 The precautions taken by Buckley J. in paragraph 33 of his order to ensure that the privilege against self-incrimination is not necessary in the present instance exceed the statutory protection afforded by the Criminal Justice Act 1987 .
22 Second , mutual understanding is necessary in order to ensure that the communication between the organisation and its ‘ publics ’ is clear ( i.e. the receiver perceives the same meaning as the sender intended ) .
23 How far is the Court prepared to go in reducing the employee 's freedom in order to ensure that the worker is not overborne ?
24 At the same time as the IIMR has set up the sub-committee on earnings per share in this country , at the European level analysts have set up a small monitoring committee in order to ensure that the work by analysts in the different legal and accounting jurisdictions is coherent .
25 It is advisable for the claimant to take along one written estimate for the funeral before the arrangements are made , in order to ensure that the cost will be met by the DSS , but a bill can be taken after the funeral to the DSS for help .
26 In order to ensure that the cost accounts are a proven and reliable record it is essential that the cost and financial accounts are integrated .
27 Although primary liability for breach is laid upon the producer of the product , the principle of joint and several liability is introduced into the CPA 1987 in order to ensure that the person injured can find a defendant within the jurisdiction .
28 With flow production he or she will have to anticipate model changes in order to ensure that the firm is invited to quote at the outset , and then follow up this quotation in the expectation of securing an order which will be fulfilled over the life of the product .
29 When the inhabitants of a country were nomadic they had to be tied down in order to ensure that the land was properly exploited , but because in Russia they were predominantly sedentary state institutions could monitor their activity .
30 In order to ensure that the history requirements are fully covered there should be follow-up discussion and questioning .
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